The official Philips BDM4065UC thread

Wow disingenuous... yea just purposely trying to lie to achieve ummm what?

Basically attempting to convince yourself (and others) that something is better than it is despite the facts showing otherwise. Or to put is in simple terms, confirmation bias. When some people spend a lot of money on something they don't like to entertain the notion it isn't "perfect". Even to the point they will gloss over the obvious problems the product has.

To all intents and purposes some people actually have managed to convince themselves that 1080p or 1440p scaling "scales well". At no level does either 1080p or 1440p scaled to full screen look anything other than blurry on this monitor. If the best you yourself can conclude is "fine" for 1440p then that is hardly a ringing endorsement.

I understand that for some it might seem subjective but sometimes the old saying "all opinions are equally valid" is just wrong. Scaling to 1080p or 1440p results in the same blurry mess that all TFT tech screens exhibit using non-native resolutions. There is no magic sauce with this monitor that makes it "scale well" at non-native resolutions.
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Sigh...... :rolleyes: let the (Nvidia) GPU do all the scaling @ 1:1 not the Monitor then 1080 looks just fine ;)

Sigh, :rolleyes:

It should be obvious I am referring to the people who claim this monitor scales well to full screen (no borders, or not 1:1) when set to 1080p or 1440p.;)
Incidentally, selecting and setting 1:1 (no scaling) in Nvidia's "Adjust desktop size and position" will give you large black borders with 1080p and 1440p.
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Ha! Funniest comment I've read all day! :D

Lol, I hope you mean funny as in ludicrous, because setting 1:1 scaling anywhere GPU or monitor results in borders. If he is using a 4K monitor and not getting borders at 1080p or 1440p then he is not using 1:1 scaling.
If your changing native desktop monitor resolution from 2160p to 1080p then obviously your going to get a blurry looking resolution... It's not native...

But in-game changing from 2160p to 1080p looks fine and as sharp as 1080p is suppose to look... Full screen and no borders...

I just did it in-game, in Metro to see...

Of course why you'd have a 4k monitor and want to play in 1080p baffles me lol! :D
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If your changing native desktop monitor resolution from 2160p to 1080p then obviously your going to get a blurry looking resolution... It's not native...


But in-game changing from 2160p to 1080p looks fine and as sharp as 1080p is suppose to look... Full screen and no borders...

I just did it in-game, in Metro to see...

Disagree, just tried Witcher 3 at 1080p full screen and the blurry text and HUD elements were very off putting. If I play the same game (PS4) on my 1080p 40" TV the text and HUD elements are much sharper.

Of course why you'd have a 4k monitor and want to play in 1080p baffles me lol! :D

Definately agree :)
Tried some at 1080p and have to say I think it looks fine? Obviously not as sharp as 2/4k but thats to be expected, its not called Ultra HD for nothing!

Or maybe I am just not as fussy and do not see the problem in these images. :confused:





I also res the monitor back to picture : Widesceen in the OSD (I run it as 1:1 for custom res usually)
Disagree, just tried Witcher 3 at 1080p full screen and the blurry text and HUD elements were very off putting. If I play the same game (PS4) on my 1080p 40" TV the text and HUD elements are much sharper...

A PS4 running native 1080p on a native 1080p TV looks fine... Well so it should... ;)

But in-game text/HUD on a native 2160p monitor when down-scaled in-game to 1080p resolution looks a bit blurry... Well yes... so it would... =)

The actual main in-game imaging is fine though am I right?
Just 4 times less the defintion :D

Seems to me the monitor is doing everything it was meant to do and everything else it can do also then!... Not bad really is it?

Pretty sure it was only ever sold as a 4k monitor! :D
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It's a wasted argument completely based on visual opinion. The ONLY game I turn down is/ was Arkham Knight because Arkham Knight lol. Looked great, no complaints. Everything else runs beautifully at 4k so no need. I'm not trying to tell people to get this monitor and then run your games at 1080p LOL. Just that if you HAD to go down to 1440p it's really not that ****ing bad :D
Tried some at 1080p and have to say I think it looks fine? Obviously not as sharp as 2/4k but thats to be expected, its not called Ultra HD for nothing!

Or maybe I am just not as fussy and do not see the problem in these images. :confused:

A PS4 running native 1080p on a native 1080p TV looks fine... Well so it should... ;)

But in-game text/HUD on a native 2160p monitor when down-scaled in-game to 1080p resolution looks a bit blurry... Well yes... so it would... =)

The actual main in-game imaging is fine though am I right?
Just 4 times less the defintion :D

Seems to me the monitor is doing everything it was meant to do and everything else it can do also then!... Not bad really is it?

Pretty sure it was only ever sold as a 4k monitor! :D

I'm not trying to tell people to get this monitor and then run your games at 1080p LOL. Just that if you HAD to go down to 1440p it's really not that ****ing bad :D

Thanks guys, this is my experience as well and I have used similar examples as a response to anyone asking "what does it scale like" a few times in this thread. Neither of you are claiming it looks great or are giving the impression it is anything other than a drop in IQ using non-native res.

I'm really confused here..

Quite a few of you are saying that this monitor scales well to 1080p/1440p but I find that to be completely the opposite, it's blurry and not clear at all.

Especially in games, it's awful.

What settings are you using to make it clear at 1080p/1440p?

Or is my monitor faulty?

Rossuk89 obviously purchased this monitor expecting that he would get sharpness and clarity at non-native resolutions. He expected it so much he now questions if his monitor is faulty. This is what happens when misinformation is allowed to creep into threads unchecked. Like every other TFT monitor in existence, the BDM4065UC has noticeably worse IQ when running non-native resolutions. I also noted the same trend from some people to exclaim it scales well or brilliantly at 1080p and 1440p. There were claims it has the best non-native scaling of any monitor they ever tested, this is pure misinformation, it scales no better or worse than any other LCD monitor. I already had my BDM4065UC so knew from experience this was not the case.
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Not wanting to sound funny but scaling down a monitors default native resolution WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN SOME DEGRADATION. It's common knowledge from those in the know. This happens with ALL OTHER LCD MONITORS I have used.

Buy a 4K monitor then use it at 4K, don't want 4k don't buy this monitor! Simples!

Also I had x3 Dell U2412m monitors in Eyefinity and the light bleed was truly disgustingly awful. So while this monitor may have certain flaws let's not forget so do a vast many other monitors out there.

There is no such a thing as the perfect monitor yet, maybe when OLED / QLED monitors become mainstream we will have one.

While some people mention confirmation basis, I have also found there can be 'others' who for one reason or another will try and bad mouth or drag a product down when in reality it may not deserve the negative opinions. Some times it can be jealousy someone has over what you own, they have to confirm their 27" or smaller monitor is superior in every way and dismiss other tech as a viable option.

** No competitor price discussion **

Would like to say thanks to those who contributed to this post, I have read since page one only a few days ago and I have some great tips and settings to try out this Monday when it gets here. ;)
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Not wanting to sound funny but scaling down a monitors default native resolution WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN SOME DEGRADATION. It's common knowledge from those in the know. This happens with ALL OTHER LCD MONITORS I have used.

Buy a 4K monitor then use it at 4K, don't want 4k don't buy this monitor! Simples!

Also I had x3 Dell U2412m monitors in Eyefinity and the light bleed was truly disgustingly awful. So while this monitor may have certain flaws let's not forget so do a vast many other monitors out there.

There is no such a thing as the perfect monitor yet, maybe when OLED / QLED monitors become mainstream we will have one.

While some people mention confirmation basis, I have also found there can be 'others' who for one reason or another will try and bad mouth or drag a product down when in reality it may not deserve the negative opinions. Some times it can be jealousy someone has over what you own, they have to confirm their 27" or smaller monitor is superior in every way and dismiss other tech as a viable option.

** No competitor price discussion **

I can live with the issues that have been mentioned in this thread and am delighted with this monitor. My point is that some are claiming the scaling on this monitor is perfect, it isn't and anyone contemplating this monitor should be aware there are problems.

As demonstrated by Rossuk's post it, is clear some have read these "perfect scaling" posts and when the inevitably see the monitor for themselves they see it is not an accurate statement. Allowing misinformation (deliberate or otherwise) to influence peoples purchasing decisions on expensive hardware is not cool.

I paid well over £600 for mine and even when I did I knew it had issues and would not be perfect.
** No competitor price discussion **

As for Philips RMA, if you have a problem with your monitor in the first 14 days(from purchase?), they'll swap it out for a new one - else, after that period, you'll get a refurb.
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Just watched a video on Youtube on a monitor from Wasabi. The model was a Mango UHD420. The host said Wasabi has a webpage at the site offering Freesync firmware for the this monitor and confirmed it works 100%. The monitor is 42 inches with a AH-IPS panel manufactured by LG.

Does anyone know or heard of a Freesync firmware update for the Philips BDM4065? This is a real disappointment as I own the Philips, and here comes a 42" monitor offering Freesync on a firmware.
** No competitor discussion **

As for Philips RMA, if you have a problem with your monitor in the first 14 days(from purchase?), they'll swap it out for a new one - else, after that period, you'll get a refurb.

Thanks for the heads up. I will be checking for dead pixels mostly and if I need to RMA it back it's going to be done straight away.

Anything else I should check for?
Anything else I should check for?

Can't think of anything really, Philips sent me a brand new monitor from Holland when I had an RMA(different order to my first post).

When going through the Philips RMA procedure to determine if you are in the 14 day period I think they measure it from purchase date not delivery(might be wrong). So if you've ordered from Europe and it takes a long time to arrive you've cut down your 14 day new for new exchange window.
Can't think of anything really, Philips sent me a brand new monitor from Holland when I had an RMA(different order to my first post).

When going through the Philips RMA procedure to determine if you are in the 14 day period I think they measure it from purchase date not delivery(might be wrong). So if you've ordered from Europe and it takes a long time to arrive you've cut down your 14 day new for new exchange window.

Well it's not been bad at all really considering where it's coming from, it's only taking 5 days which is in line with some domestic deliveries in the UK.

I will just have to check it out thoroughly and any dead pixels it's going to be changed out.

Seriously can't wait, been using a crazy small 19" old dell monitor to put me on until my 4K beast arrives. :)
I have an AMD video card. What setting do I put this TV on when I get it?

Do I use:

8 bit 4-4-4 RGB
10 bit 4-4-4 RGB

I heard this monitor was only 8bit so does that mean I cannot use 10 bit setting? I.e: I can use 10 bit but it will only function as 8 bit and will I see a benefit choosing 10 bit when the monitor is 8bit. I've read about 8bit+ frc (frame rate control) but I have little understanding of it and how it can either benefit or hinder a monitor?

I thought all 4K TV's had to conform to minimum 10bit standard for 4K?
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