The Official Playstation 3 FAQ & Sticky thread

Does the 40GB PS3 suck compared to all the other ones? I'm getting one, should have it in about 4 weeks, mainly getting it for GTA IV.

Can it access my PC and stream my music and other things on my PC so I dont have to use HDD space up as 40gb is not a lot.

suck? not sure what you mean, other that its got 20gb less space, no card reader and 2 less usb ports and no ps2 game compatability its the same, any 2.5" sata laptop drive will do so its a cheap and easy upgrade
Hmmmm, well I guess its ok to say that Its 'free' anyway.

Any idea about streaming music?

Shame they dont come with HDMi cables too.
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The PS3 supports media server sharing, so windows media 11 sharing or Tversity will work fine. It can decode MP3s, avis, wmvs and mp4s (and a couple of extras).

The only thing the 40 gig lacks that i would call a 'big thing' is a lack of ps2 backward computability. In terms of wireless connectivity and media playback, it's exactly the same as all the others.

[EDIT] Oh and you can pick up any 3rd party HDMI cable for like... a fiver, probably less. It isn't like other cables where you need to get the overpriced official cable - any will do.
Would my Hyundai N220W 22" widescreen monitor support a PS3 and how do I connect it? When me mum's watching the soaps I need use my monitor coz it has to stay downstairs :(.
Would my Hyundai N220W 22" widescreen monitor support a PS3 and how do I connect it? When me mum's watching the soaps I need use my monitor coz it has to stay downstairs :(.

I think that monitor has a HDCP compliant DVI socket, so all you will need is a HDMI to DVI converter, you can get a HDMI lead and converter from a supermarket for £20. If you look around you probably could get it cheaper online, but you will have to get the sound through either optical or the composite cable that comes with a PS3.
I think that monitor has a HDCP compliant DVI socket, so all you will need is a HDMI to DVI converter, you can get a HDMI lead and converter from a supermarket for £20. If you look around you probably could get it cheaper online, but you will have to get the sound through either optical or the composite cable that comes with a PS3.

No headphone support? See I'd need to use headphone as the speakers would be on the TV as thats when I'd use the monitor, when my parents watch the soaps, so I'd use headphones, If I had it upstairs then I'd use optical or coax on my Z5500's. My monitor has built in speakers though.
No headphone support? See I'd need to use headphone as the speakers would be on the TV as thats when I'd use the monitor, when my parents watch the soaps, so I'd use headphones, If I had it upstairs then I'd use optical or coax on my Z5500's. My monitor has built in speakers though.

So i guess the sound from your PC to the monitor comes via a normal headphone jack socket? If so all you would need would be a 2x composite too stereo headphone connector and plug the headphone connector into the monitor and the other end on the PS3's A/V connector. You will have to alter the audio settings on the PS3 to use the AV socket rather than the HDMI (in the manual).
I've just got the PS3 and trying it on the 37" samsung downstairs and all I get with HDMi is... Mode not supported or.. No Signal :(. Tried everything, apparently the HDMi cable might not be compatible but I dunno.
Just bought a PS3 today :D
Going to sit nicely with my 360 and Wii lol
Hopefully I'll play it more than those 2 now that I've finished uni

Managed to get Time Crisis 4 + Gun for £47, 3 blu ray's and NHL 2k7 for £28, PS3 40GB(2months old) with Euro 2008 & Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2, bluetooth headset, HDMI cable for £250, decent price?

Works out £209 for 2month old console whereas best I could find new was £280
i want to use my ps3 on my ocuk 24" screen seems i need the hd fury? or would another of these vga cables i see work the one listed as Wii/Playstation 3 VGA Cable (480p/720p/1080i/1080p) seems good enough for me has anyone experience with it about how it performs
currently having to run ps3 on a sdtv and its horrible compared to the 360 on the monitor
well i got said cable and while it works with a lot of messing about to fool the console to thinking its running component its probably not that great picture looks of but not very sharp and a bit blurry on text edges
is there a real proper vga cable coming for ps3
i should have just got a rgb scart lead does the ps2 rgb scart leads work?
is there a real proper vga cable coming for ps3
i should have just got a rgb scart lead does the ps2 rgb scart leads work?
I don't think there will be a VGA cable but you can use the PS2 RGB cable but you will propably be limited to 576p

But why not use a HDMI > DVI convertor?
do they give good picture quality? i looked at the hd fury is that a good idea on my monitor i have 1 vga 1 dvi. dvi is used by pc at moment and vga 360 i would really like to not have to change leads at back of monitor to switch 360 to ps3 vice versa the hd fury looked good cause my 360 has hdmi as well so would just be swapping lead at the consoles not the screen i should have went for that i guess as long as it gives good picture quality?
the problem is my monitor has no hdmi and is not hdcp so i need to convert it which i always have a feeling loses quality? does anyone use the hdfury here in a similar situation?
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