*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

21 Jun 2006
I'm still playing fifa 11 as well. No idea why I would upgrade to the newest one for however much it is!... It is practically the same game.

it's completely different fifa 13 has first touch, no uber finesse shots, a different tackling system which was introduced in 12, your still using legacy tackling which allows defenders to basically barge into strikers, manhandle them like little school girls and easily win the ball.

this isn't all that's new, free kicks and penalties are harder to score, as well as a host of other things

The ball haz moar physics?

far, far more than that just look at some of the stuff above

It is a football simulator, featuring teams playing against each other. It has reached a level where new ones are adding nothing, in fact I would say they reached it about 5 years ago....I don't play often, but if I did want to play a few games of Fifa at some point, I would see no reason to get the new one over any other from the last 5 years.

edit- actually iirc, they messed one up, and it was really bad compared to the others?

if they messed one up it would have to be 13 because of power shots being overpowered and first touch not being implemented correctly.
21 Jun 2006
I'm assuming he's talking about Ultimate Team.

Personally I don't play it, weirdly I can still play FIFA. What madness is this :confused:

ultimate team is completely separate from their normal online system, in fact i would say it is a more arcadey version of fifa and different from the normal game which is played at a different speed.
14 Dec 2009
If I go in the PS4 thread it's just people talking about Fifa.

Clearly PS4 has no other good games.

See, doesn't really prove a point does it :p

Seems you just want any excuse to come in here and bash the PS4 because you like the Xbox. I don't really see what your point is other than that.

A thread talking about a game and talking about a system are not really comparable anyway. Of course people are going to talk about the games in a new system thread, because the individual games don't have their own thread yet.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Wonder what stuff is outstanding, I presume a few more launch games but mostly year 1 releases. Im deffo thinking I can cope with Drive Club and Planetside 2 for launch and then get the others once prices for games become a bit more normal...
I really don't like or 'get' Ultimate Team myself. :/

I hope they don't steer FIFA too much in its direction.
Its like you think that hasnt happened yet :D. But yes theres a FIFA 14 thread, enjoy my moans in there!

ps3ud0 :cool:
14 Dec 2009
Why use a PS4 bashing analogy then? It just looks like a sly dig. If you actually care about wanting to appear impartial when you are not then make a more conscious effort :p

Clearly PS4 has no other good games.

It's not really a problem limited to Fifa anyway, it's more down to EA. They seem to want you to pay £40 for a game and then have you spend another ton of money on DLC or "additional features". These things should be in the game anyway as unlocks without us having to pay through the nose for them. It is this practice that I take issue with, Fifa was just the example in this case. Other games like Dead Space have gone the same way.

The problem is that companies like EA (EA are certainly one of the worst culprits) are taking my favourite games and using them as a way of ripping me off, and I don't like it.

It's nothing to do with bashing the games or the system.
14 Dec 2009
Doesn't the PS4 have Ultimate Team on Fifa? :)

I have no idea, I wasn't planning on buying it at launch so I haven't looked into that. I'd wager that it probably does though, plus a load more "extras" that EA wants us to pay for that should be included within the base game.
20 Jun 2004
I have no idea, I wasn't planning on buying it at launch so I haven't looked into that. I'd wager that it probably does though, plus a load more "extras" that EA wants us to pay for that should be included within the base game.

Well that's part of the reason why Xbox DRM would have been a good thing.
9 Mar 2006
Why use a PS4 bashing analogy then? It just looks like a sly dig. If you actually care about wanting to appear impartial when you are not then make a more conscious effort :p

it was a sarcastic analogy to show that you can't draw conclusions like that, not a dig at the PS4 in any way :p

It's not really a problem limited to Fifa anyway, it's more down to EA. They seem to want you to pay £40 for a game and then have you spend another ton of money on DLC or "additional features". These things should be in the game anyway as unlocks without us having to pay through the nose for them.

But this is false, I've never paid any additional money for Fifa and I've been able to enjoy it just fine? It's an added game mode that if you want to play you can pay for. It's no different to expansion packs in the old days, the delivery method has just changed.
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