*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Trolling... no.

Valid matter of fact... yes.

But yes, it was rather transparent.
Indeed a very transparent attempt to troll considering the posts you made leading to it. I need to start using twitter if everything thats on there is valid fact ;)
ps3ud0 please don't encourage him :(
Go away (hashtag)PS4hasnogames boy :D. WTF where is the hashtag! Returning my Mac as its doesnt have the hashtag optional feature :/

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I made one comment about Fifa not having Ultimate Team on PS4... and one concerning DRM.

Both of which aren't trolling as one was pretty much confirmed and the other is quite a reasonable expectation.

I think you're exagerrating now!
Wonder what stuff is outstanding, I presume a few more launch games but mostly year 1 releases. Im deffo thinking I can cope with Drive Club and Planetside 2 for launch and then get the others once prices for games become a bit more normal...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Anyway I was trying to get this thread back on course before - thoughts on what Gamescom and Tokyo Games Show will bring? Apart from games I really need to know more about PS+ and Gaikai tbh, nothing major, just want to see the costs/features of each. Not that bothered about Gaikai while it remains a BC only service though, not looking to sell my PS3...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I would like to see more games, even if it's just a trailer of the exclusives they have planned for year one. I think they said twenty? So there must be more to see on that front.

Then I want to see more on Infamous and a release date :)
Infamous is gonna be a preorder for me, loved the other games as much as the Uncharted series so very much looking forward to it on the PS4. Wonder if theyll keep with the Play, Create, Share concept?

Id take the 20 games with a pinch of salt as it might include indie games and the like (F2P). Nothing wrong with that, but Id rather be a pessimist, ultimately theres enough on both systems to make that initial first year seem more than worthwhile I think. Ill have to spread the cost over that as Im just not prepared to spend loads of games and end up having no time to play them like this generation.

I would really love if Sony got Naughty Dog on stage to show a teaser or something. Whatever theyll do would be a system seller IMHO, way too early to expect the game though sadly...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I rate Infamous well above Uncharted, if I'd known how good it was I would have got a PS3 a lot quicker!

I suppose that could be including things like Planetside 2.

Yeah for Naughty Dog they could even just do a CGI concept trailer (like MS did for the Black Tusk game or EA did for Battlefront) Just a "we are working on something, here's something to make you salivate"
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