*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

My main concern is PSN. Guess waiting to get ps4 is the only way to see how improved it is.

It's just not as fluid for patches as XBL. I like how Xbox handles it, PS3 I don't.
Since switching from 360 > PS3, I've really not seen a huge different between Live/PSN. I don't see patches anymore because of PS+ (unless it's a day 1 patch) and I would say the only thing that Live does better is less maintenance.
My main concern is PSN. Guess waiting to get ps4 is the only way to see how improved it is.

It's just not as fluid for patches as XBL. I like how Xbox handles it, PS3 I don't.

You mean the download and install (ps) compared to the download and play after it's downloaded?(360)

Think that will change with the ps4 after all they have said you can play while it's downloading.

Also I cant remember installing killzone merc on the vita after I downloaded it.
EDIT: To clarify my concerns revolve around the PSN store speed; general download speeds; patching and package methodology; and game server backbone.

ps3ud0 :cool:

I believe the PS store speed is down to the low ram in the PS3. Definitely agree about patches. Waiting ages for 8 patches to download for one game and THEN having to wait ages again for them to install is ridiculous.

General download speeds - this has to be ISP specific

I think there are a whole list of reasons why people get slow speeds. I read it's something to do with the servers and/or the type of file that Sony uses. Some ISP's treat them as P2P to throttle them. You could say this isn't Sony's problem but with so many people having problems they need to do something.
At home the download speeds with PSN is annoyingly slow whereas XBL is perfectly fine. It takes roughly an hour to download 1GB with PSN. XBL it took 1/2 an hour to download the BF4 beta which is 1.5GB.
I think there are a whole list of reasons why people get slow speeds. I read it's something to do with the servers and/or the type of file that Sony uses. Some ISP's treat them as P2P to throttle them. You could say this isn't Sony's problem but with so many people having problems they need to do something.
At home the download speeds with PSN is annoyingly slow whereas XBL is perfectly fine. It takes roughly an hour to download 1GB with PSN. XBL it took 1/2 an hour to download the BF4 beta which is 1.5GB.
I found my speeds massively improved after i switched from wifi to ethernet. I have 40Mbps BT Infinity, I downloaded the 4GB+ Beyond 2 Souls demo the other night in about 15mins
just pre-ordered the killzone 4 package from (are competitors allowed to be mentioned? - anyway, it was the place offering it for 15p cheaper than others) with them guarenteeing delivery for release day or they'll give me £5. let's see. i'm going to clear my work diary for that day so it better bleedin' arrive! :p
Were is that? i want release day delivery

Edit: is it just me or has the price on amazon jumped up?
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OK i took the killzone megabundle, maybe i'll sell the 2nd controller when i get it.

I also have watch dogs on order and dunno what else to get. Is there any point in getting drive club since it's free if you have PSN??

I want knack, but really wish it wasn't 50 quid.
i've just seen that the place i pre-ordered mine from are offering the killzone pack with a 12month psn+ sub for £435.85

how much is a sub on it's own?
You sure they are still? I swear someone else noticed the same message but when you went on the PS4 product page there was additional caveats that made that release day delivery promise null and void. May want to check as it might just be that theyve got more word on the exact stock theyll be getting and so might have the stock to cover you...

EDIT: Just gone on their website and yeah that same message about not guaranteeing release day delivery for purchases after August 6th is still there
Pre-release dispatch

Please note that all pre orders placed after 6th August 2013 cannot be guaranteed for launch. However we strongly recommend placing your pre order and we will keep you informed of your expected delivery date.

EDIT2: Actually some packs have that warning but others dont (1st, 2nd and 6th dont) - so I dno, good luck but might be worth contacting them to cover yourself...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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yeh there's get out clauses and it looks like the free delivery option is one of them so i am dubious.

any confirmation on the cost of a 365 day psn sub?
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