*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

But neither of your points lends itself to reasoning why Sony/MS would look to shorten console lifespan, especially when those re-released models are priced to produce a net profit and delay any investment into the next generation and increase the period of time those consoles are actually profitable without the consideration of attachment rates.

ps3ud0 :cool:

I think general consensus seems to be that this generation has been too long. I think the next one will be 4-5 years tops.
The best news for PC owners is that 'porting' might become as easy as possible or indeed it might just end up being a set of LODs to be built on a engine coded using a platform agnostic API. And people wonder why AMD announced Mantle around the same time as the new consoles they power launch ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:

Hopefully, time will tell I guess as with all things new.
lol i only just remembered the PS4 is released in the US 2 weeks earlier than europe...Theres going to be a lot of streaming going on if GTAV is anything to go by :D
I wonder if after choosing the Amazon console bundle whether you get to choose a colour for the 2nd controller...........

I really would like a Blue one as my spare so when people are using it or I take it to a mates or whatever It's just nice having it distinguishable.

Probably won't get to pick but only just put the bundle order in today so will see what it says when my order summary updates.
The r&d costs for these consoles will have been tiny due to using off the shelf components, and since neither are being sold at a loss I would expect this generation to be much shorter too.

Well it seems as if the controller has $100m of research behind it alone. I still don't think we'll see a new console in 4-5 years.
Well it seems as if the controller has $100m of research behind it alone. I still don't think we'll see a new console in 4-5 years.


I also think this will be the last gen with the move to cloud computing been where traditionally another console would take its place some 8 years down the line.

Look how far the current gen has come and these new consoles are 10/12 times more powerful. Regardless to comparisons to PC's these consoles are here to stay.
Just a quick question, I take its too late to put in a pre order and get it on release day then? and do you peeps forsee a price drop with the ps3 in the run upto 4's release?
Thanks :)

I decided to sell mine before they plummit. Got £125 for it on ebay (Console/3rd party controller/COD:BO2). Not bad to say it cost me £200 4 years ago.
The recession was probably the biggest reason why it dragged on for so long as development costs for new hardware (esp. with Sony hurting financially) IMO held it up and wanted greater short term investment with PS3.
Who would want another console after only 5 years? Not the manufacturers, not the developers, more than likely not even the consumers. People would soon grow tired of a smaller fragmented market that is never allowed to mature. Its in no ones interest really.
No one wants to buy another console 4-5 years down the line, but at the same time I really don't want to wait around 8 for the next iteration of Playstation or Xbox. BF4 really does look like ass on PS3 compared to PC, hoping the PS4 version looks a bit closer to PC quality.
No one wants to buy another console 4-5 years down the line, but at the same time I really don't want to wait around 8 for the next iteration of Playstation or Xbox. BF4 really does look like ass on PS3 compared to PC, hoping the PS4 version looks a bit closer to PC quality.

It's funny you say that, I actually prefer playing the PS3 version over the PC version.

It just seems to play better. IMHO of course.
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