Question - (and don't take this as a Fanboi question)
What exactly is wrong with the regular activation if we're online anyway?
Its just wrong to expect everyone to sign in every 24 hours, I have a laptop and it has something like 146 steam games collected over many many years of using the service. I can play every single one of them right now and I know provided Steam is in offline mode I can play those games forever in offline mode and then connect to the internet when I feel like it. Not when the systems decides and then locks me out of my purchases..
Also, I know Steam games you can’t sell on, or trade but they also don’t cost upwards of £50 or more. Many of my steam games cost £29.99 on launch but most cost me no more then a tenner.
I also know my laptop has a webcam, but I can turn that off, but I can’t from all accounts turn off the xbox one camera.
Its all too much you will do this, and you can’t do that.
PS4 I can either plug in a camera or not plug it in, or not even buy it, I can trade my games if I want to, making my next game purchase cheaper, I can lend them out, or get games from my friends, I don’t need the console connect to the internet, so if I take my console to work when I’m working silly shifts where its slow, I don’t need to tether to my phone to sign in to play games, and if I run out of hd space I can ‘chose’ to replace the internal drive and not use external drives.
Also, PS+ walks all over live for content. It is just down to general principles and common sense.