*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Thats the same headset I picked up from game, it's their own branded one for £20 and I think they are pretty awful to be honest.

They are uncomfortable, suffer from radio interference and sound quality is poor.
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I think they are pretty comfortable to be honest, again I have only tried them for one game of BF4.

I did get interference at the start then I changed some of the settings and it's fine now.

Will get a better text later on
If the GP3 you guys are talking about are the ones made by ORB I have seen a lot of complaints about build quality, poor sound and as stated above, interference. I have owned a few headsets and you really do get what you pay for in most cases, it's just a shame the selection is so limited right now. It seems to be either low or high end headsets there's not much wiggle room in between, for the most part the PX4 by Turtle Beach seems to be well received so I may buy that when the MS chat adapter comes out so I can use it on both systems.
I know this site was already covering XO stuff but theyve expanded to cover all the next-gen consoles. MS are aware of it (well the Reddit thread behind it for sure) so Im hoping Sony follow suit...

Might be an idea to keep an eye on it in the hope it prioritises what Sony/MS bring out in their next set of firmwares. Theres always room to be better :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
If the GP3 you guys are talking about are the ones made by ORB I have seen a lot of complaints about build quality, poor sound and as stated above, interference. I have owned a few headsets and you really do get what you pay for in most cases, it's just a shame the selection is so limited right now. It seems to be either low or high end headsets there's not much wiggle room in between, for the most part the PX4 by Turtle Beach seems to be well received so I may buy that when the MS chat adapter comes out so I can use it on both systems.

Mine have no branding at all on them but are identicle to the orb ones.

I just don't see why they have to gouge so much, My Creative fatality's only cost £25 and are far superior in everyway and the only difference between them is the connections they use.
What is people using as a travel case for the console? i take it to my girlfriends most weekends and ripped the box after using it a couple of times. I'd use my gym bag but i want it to have some protection, might try my laptop bag tonight and test it but not convinced it will fit.
I've seen white residue on the inside of electronics like that before, especially plastic casing, but no idea what causes it and it's always been dry, not what I'd call a liquid. Perhaps some sort of reaction in the plastics or thermal materials/solder when a certain temperature is reached?

Either that or the workers at the plant cracked a few off during assembly :D
Thats odd, some kind of thermal paste issue maybe !!

I can't believe the thermal paste could spread that far, even if it was caked in the stuff it's too evenly distributed. A blown capacitor maybe?

Edit: the guy who posted the PS4 pics says on NeoGaf he uses a vics humidifier for 8-10 hours a night, think we might have our culprit :D
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The white powder comes from the flux used in the wave soldering process of the PCB assembly? its the result of temperature / humidity changes inside the box.. Pretty sure that's what it is.. See it in a lot of electronics. It was inside my PS3 I think it was.
Sat at the GF house, on my own and rather bored now as she working. PS4 packed up in the car, no HDMI TV in the house. Looks like I'm going to have to do something productive with my life today! FFFUUUUU
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