*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Yes which is why I'm confused why at least 3 games now on the PS4 don't have it enabled (Thief, Dead Nation and Strider) Yet Strider does have it enabled on all the other versions including the PS3 version which makes me think there is a problem with the SDK or one of the tools they are using to make PS4 games currently.

maybe they don't need it?

not really heard anyone else mentioning this being a big problem.
maybe they don't need it?

not really heard anyone else mentioning this being a big problem.

It's not a big problem but it is a problem.

Here's how it affects Strider for example.

Wasted a whole hour last night watching two drunk Scottish blokes talking rubbish and a load of Swedes groping some girls boobs.
R2 button on two controllers now broken. Controller durability is abysmal. Release day console and already on my third controller.

I have the box but no receipt, best to contact Sony customer support for a replacement?
Where did you buy it from? Your bank statement should be sufficient proof of purchase in lieu of a receipt for an exchange...

ps3ud0 :cool:
R2 button on two controllers now broken. Controller durability is abysmal. Release day console and already on my third controller.

I have the box but no receipt, best to contact Sony customer support for a replacement?

Release day console here and am still on my original controller with well over 500 hours of use, the left stick has slight wear on it but apart from that its in mint condition, what the hell are you people doing to your controllers :confused:
My controller hasn't got the slightest sign of wear after about 300 hours or so of use and looks as if I've just taken it out of the packet.

Must be my baby sfot, delicate skin caressing the pads gently. Yeah, that must be it...
Release day console here and am still on my original controller with well over 500 hours of use, the left stick has slight wear on it but apart from that its in mint condition, what the hell are you people doing to your controllers :confused:

I don't throw controllers across the room, or smash buttons in anger. This fault is in no way self-inflicted. I play BF4 a lot, and with my button layout R2 is fire weapon. Can only assume that using this button more than the others has caused some sort of internal damage.

Yet to experience any rubber peeling.

Yes which is why I'm confused why at least 3 games now on the PS4 don't have it enabled (Thief, Dead Nation and Strider) Yet Strider does have it enabled on all the other versions including the PS3 version which makes me think there is a problem with the SDK or one of the tools they are using to make PS4 games currently.

It's bizarre because PS4 isn't even using an exotic GPU, it's an AMD GPU that has supported Anisotropic Filtering for about 15yrs. It must be some kind of SDK bug unless Microsoft are throwing cheques around.
My sticks are starting to go smooth but the one I had off MM has broke, The left stick doesn't work properly in the 1-3 o'clock area. I noticed it during Dead Nation but thought it was just the games controls being wierd as it's a top down view but noticed the same on BF4, swapped pads and it's now fine. Looks like I'll be taking it back to argos :)
Did anyone play Beyond Two Souls? I really enjoyed Heavy Rain and I'm working on PS3 back catalogue that I missed.
It's bizarre because PS4 isn't even using an exotic GPU, it's an AMD GPU that has supported Anisotropic Filtering for about 15yrs. It must be some kind of SDK bug unless Microsoft are throwing cheques around.

It's definitely not a hardware issue since Tomb Raider has it and actually has better AF quality than the XB1 version according to Digital Foundry.
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