What is the middle resource needed for a spear? I get the twigs/logs and flint but it looks like rope and I've not seen any.
You need one of those science lab things that you make with gold and other parts. There you can refine grass into rope.
There is rope somewhere - I found some on a dead person, he also had a backpack that extended my inventory. Its definitely a game to play in spurts after getting a decent base camp together.
What are people strategies to begin with? Only played it once and got upto day 10 I think and all I did was setup a main camp with the rock fire thing and then just gathered everything while I left as many traps over rabbit holes as possible that I would collect just before dark to murder, cook and eat.
I was gonna try and build another camp elsewhere but happened upon some dragon thing stealing my crap so I guess I need to build a weapon as I doubt the axe or pickaxe are useful for that.
I enjoyed the game, its just a bit grindy at the start and then once youve established if you dont have an idea what you wanna do I guess it could get samey quite easily. I think you can plant seeds and stuff no?
Need to work out what all the stuff can do that you collect and whats safe to leave behind at camp. I need to kill that dragon dude - and wtf is that ghost blob thing?!?
If you build a shovel you can uproot grass tufts, berry bushes and twigs to take back to your base camp and replant. You need to fertilise grass and berries with poop though.