*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

10 Aug 2006
PSN Live and EA servers under attack today, silly kid's getting kicks for what they call fun, with site's like norse that can see where the attacks are coming from can't something be sent back to prevent it ?
15 Dec 2004
Hudds, UK
its gone way beyond a joke - think i'm gunna switch back to PC gaming - forget sony and ms.

Funny how PS3's are working fine but PS4 don't eh? - Yet another epic Sony fail
18 Oct 2002
its gone way beyond a joke - think i'm gunna switch back to PC gaming - forget sony and ms.

Funny how PS3's are working fine but PS4 don't eh? - Yet another epic Sony fail

PS3 still has problems aswell (tried mine earlier on - friends list loaded up and that was all that worked). I Dont know why you are getting so angry at Sony and MS its not like they are doing this on purpose.
15 Dec 2004
Hudds, UK
I Dont know why you are getting so angry at Sony and MS its not like they are doing this on purpose.

If it was the first time I'd have no justification to gripe. But its not - Holidays and off-peak times are NOT good times for outages (I don't care if its maintenance or hackers - they should invest some of that subscription we all pay (which amounts to millions) to minimising outages - ever heard of continuity in a business?))

So far Q3 + Q4 this year we've suffered 3-4 outages due to silly maintenance or whatever when we want to game. My time is what I value most, when I have some spare time I want to be able to use the actual services I pay for during that time- not be sat here waiting for someone to finally pull their finger out.

Its appalling that an organisation of Sony's stature has no backup or business continuity plans which they can invoke - All they show is that they don't give a poo about us, just our money and themselves.

I bet no offer of a refund will be offered - any other service provider would give that, instead Sony will offer neither an apology nor compensation. Probably some stupid game from about 2 years ago worth about 1.99 (back then) that I will never want.

Every other organisation manages to recover from DDOS attacks within hours - 3 days later we will still be sat here wondering what the hell is going on and why our expensive toys have been reduced to paperweights.

/rant over - deep breath lol
7 Oct 2009
So glad my sense of happiness doesn't pivot on the serviceability of my console.

Sure, it's slightly annoying. Just do something else while waiting to find out what happens. If you're not happy with the resolve once one has been reached, direct your quarrels to Sony. Absolutely no point whining about it now.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
So glad my sense of happiness doesn't pivot on the serviceability of my console.

Sure, it's slightly annoying. Just do something else while waiting to find out what happens. If you're not happy with the resolve once one has been reached, direct your quarrels to Sony. Absolutely no point whining about it now.

That's a really self righteous, antagonising and pointless comment. Some people have a small window of opportunity to play games so Christmas holidays can be a very coveted time to do so.
You may have plenty of time to play but doesn't apply to everyone.
I do feel you are right though when it comes to those who have plenty of time to play, a few days isn't the end of the world.
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