*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

22 Sep 2014
South somewhere
Sounds like a cop-out to me - 'its not our fault' - funny how they also admit to a 'surge in traffic' from time to time - in other words, when new users join.

Capacity issues i'm guessing - too many users with new consoles trying to sign on at once - like they don't have any idea of how many consoles they are selling - pathetic.

You have no idea what you're talking about...
18 Oct 2002
Sounds like a cop-out to me - 'its not our fault' - funny how they also admit to a 'surge in traffic' from time to time - in other words, when new users join.

Capacity issues i'm guessing - too many users with new consoles trying to sign on at once - like they don't have any idea of how many consoles they are selling - pathetic.

its not just PSN having problems - xbl is still having problems, people are also complaining of having problems with EA servers aswell.

Instead of skim reading this thread you should read the other posts fully before going off on one as others have explained to you in other posts about the whole thing.
26 Jul 2003
For 2-3 years now Sony & MS have tried to sell us all on the notion of the always on console, primarily so they can combat piracy. To anybody who says give them a break, it's not their fault a bunch of script kiddies are DDOS'ing them, you need to get real. MS and Sony designed the system that allowed the DDOS in the first place, when there was never any need for full online authentication.

To paraphrase the saying, they are reaping a whirlwind of their own design and I have zero sympathy for their pathetic corporate excuses. Every game should have an offline mode; bingo, no problems when technical errors occur with servers. It's 100% their fault because of their love for backdoor DRM.

God, the suits at MS must be secretly breathing a sigh of relief at the bullet they dodged by NOT making Xbone 100% online all the time; imagine their reputation today if 45 million users could not even turn on their consoles.
15 Dec 2004
Hudds, UK
You have no idea what you're talking about...

its not just PSN having problems - xbl is still having problems, people are also complaining of having problems with EA servers aswell.

Instead of skim reading this thread you should read the other posts fully before going off on one as others have explained to you in other posts about the whole thing.

Whilst I may not have mentioned it - I know EXACTLY how the internet works - been in this game for over 20 years kid.

DDOS attacks have officially stopped - they stopped yesterday. Services are taking time to recover simply because of the influx of new players AND the mess left over from the DDOS attacks.

IF Sony had actually bothered to call in a team to sort out the mess it would be up and running by now. Instead they've probably got a couple of "on-call" engineers sat in india rebooting servers like that will fix anything.

IF DDOS attacks are solely to blame here - tell me why is it that it works ok in a morning and then not in an afternoon? - DDOS attacks are simple - they bombard your servers for requests to acknowledge - nothing more nothing less. They aren't that difficult to combat - thats why you see other businesses prioritise and deal with it within a couple of hours. Not flippin days!

They've more or less acknowledged its a combination of the DDOS attacks AND 'surge in traffic' (read that as new users) that's caused the problem as per the VP's official statement - guess I still need to learn how the internet works eh? :rolleyes:

Maybe some of you should learn how to run an online service.....
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18 Oct 2002
Whilst I may not have mentioned it - I know EXACTLY how the internet works - been in this game for over 20 years kid.

DDOS attacks have officially stopped - they stopped yesterday. Services are taking time to recover simply because of the influx of new players AND the mess left over from the DDOS attacks.

IF Sony had actually bothered to call in a team to sort out the mess it would be up and running by now. Instead they've probably got a couple of "on-call" engineers sat in india rebooting servers like that will fix anything.

IF DDOS attacks are solely to blame here - tell me why is it that it works ok in a morning and then not in an afternoon? - DDOS attacks are simple - they bombard your servers for requests to acknowledge - nothing more nothing less. They aren't that difficult to combat - thats why you see other businesses prioritise and deal with it within a couple of hours. Not flippin days!

They've more or less acknowledged its a combination of the DDOS attacks AND 'surge in traffic' (read that as new users) that's caused the problem as per the VP's official statement - guess I still need to learn how the internet works eh? :rolleyes:

what VPs official statement?
15 Dec 2004
Hudds, UK
It's back now because everyone has given up and gone to bed - the one or two servers that are working are probably letting you authenticate. Give it till tomorrow before we find out if it's truly fixed.
20 Jan 2011
I'm glad I've not renewed my psn subscription, now that online play is a paid for service you would expect Sony to invest heavily in there infrastructure but it's becoming a joke, out of the 12 months sub I bet it's only online for about 10 months, this I fear may be a regular thing in the future of console gaming
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