*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
rubber covers slip off, despite what others will tell you.

they are terrible.

buy some custom thumbsticks if your replacing them you might as well buy ones which suit you. companies like cinch charge you a fortune normally for customisations like that.

some people have put xbox thumbsticks onto their ds4's for instance.

you could try concave or convex, metal, etc.

Have some 'Grip It' ones on my DS4s - never slipped or moved once, in the 10+ months of using them...
13 Aug 2008
Unsure why you're drawing comparison to Xbox here, when the discussion is about a lack of PS4 exclusives. But if you must...

I have not heard much noise about all the multiplatform ones being better on PS4. In fact quite the contrary that they are in fact very similar between platforms. E.g. Mad Max both are 1080p, MGS is 900P vs 1080p)

Haven't heard of Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall, Halo, Gears, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising, Ryse, World of Tanks? (and yes, i'm judging exclusive as not on PS4).

Dude, the Xbox fapfest is in the other thread....

19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
Unsure why you're drawing comparison to Xbox here, when the discussion is about a lack of PS4 exclusives. But if you must...

I have not heard much noise about all the multiplatform ones being better on PS4. In fact quite the contrary that they are in fact very similar between platforms. E.g. Mad Max both are 1080p, MGS is 900P vs 1080p)

Haven't heard of Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall, Halo, Gears, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising, Ryse, World of Tanks? (and yes, i'm judging exclusive as not on PS4).

I'll retract my "all" then and revise it to *most*.

Now if you just revise your definition of exclusive to one that actually makes sense e.g.

1.an item or story published or broadcast by only one source.
synonyms: scoop, exposé, revelation, special, inside story; coup"
2 Jan 2012
I have both consoles and I have bought more PS4 games, play more on the PS4. Given the same games on both consoles I normally opt for the PS4.

Will be getting Tomb a Raider though in November.

Same here, have X1 and PS4. Always get the multiplats on PS4 as higher res / FPS. Muliplats are better on PS4, it's a fact only Xbots try to say otherwise :p

It literally has almost 50% more GPU horsepower along with GDDR5 VS DDR3 (Lol) on X1. How on earth X1 fanboys think that discrepancy can be made up is beyond anyone with a grasp on technology.

Got the X1 for exclusives, PS4 for mulitplats and exclusives that are better on console and PC for everything else.

Some of those games that guy mentions are on PC. So not even 'exclusives'. PS4 has tons of exclusives as well, arguably better ones. Bloodborne, Killzone, Infamous, Until Dawn etc are better than Killer Instinct imho. Isn't that coming to PC as well? :p

Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall (PC), Halo, Gears (PC), Killer Instinct (PC), Dead Rising (PC), Ryse(PC), World of Tanks(PC)?

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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Same here, have X1 and PS4. Always get the multiplats on PS4 as higher res / FPS. Muliplats are better on PS4, it's a fact only Xbots try to say otherwise :p

It literally has almost 50% more GPU horsepower along with GDDR5 VS DDR3 (Lol) on X1. How on earth X1 fanboys think that discrepancy can be made up is beyond anyone with a grasp on technology.

Got the X1 for exclusives, PS4 for mulitplats and exclusives that are better on console and PC for everything else.

Some of those games that guy mentions are on PC. So not even 'exclusives'. PS4 has tons of exclusives as well, arguably better ones. Bloodborne, Killzone, Infamous, Until Dawn etc are better than Killer Instinct imho. Isn't that coming to PC as well? :p

Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall (PC), Halo, Gears (PC), Killer Instinct (PC), Dead Rising (PC), Ryse(PC), World of Tanks(PC)?


One thing I do give credit to XB1 is the media player, PS4 can't play most of my AVI's but XB1 has no problem with them.
19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
Some of those games that guy mentions are on PC. So not even 'exclusives'.

His definition of exclusive and the rest of the universe's are very different ;)

Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall (PC), Halo, Gears (PC), Killer Instinct (PC), Dead Rising (PC), Ryse(PC), World of Tanks(PC)?


So Forza and Halo then? Which in the mean time PS4 has Drive Club and will inevitably get a version of GT at some point. As for Halo - not a deal breaker for most, in the same way that Killzone on PS is not a deal breaker for XBox owners
12 May 2005
Same here, have X1 and PS4. Always get the multiplats on PS4 as higher res / FPS. Muliplats are better on PS4, it's a fact only Xbots try to say otherwise :p

It literally has almost 50% more GPU horsepower along with GDDR5 VS DDR3 (Lol) on X1. How on earth X1 fanboys think that discrepancy can be made up is beyond anyone with a grasp on technology.

Got the X1 for exclusives, PS4 for mulitplats and exclusives that are better on console and PC for everything else.

Some of those games that guy mentions are on PC. So not even 'exclusives'. PS4 has tons of exclusives as well, arguably better ones. Bloodborne, Killzone, Infamous, Until Dawn etc are better than Killer Instinct imho. Isn't that coming to PC as well? :p

Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall (PC), Halo, Gears (PC), Killer Instinct (PC), Dead Rising (PC), Ryse(PC), World of Tanks(PC)?


How dare you respond with a well written and thought out post. Coming in here and throwing facts and truths about like that, I mean really... The trolls will be forced to actually think about what they say next now... : -)
20 Jun 2004
His definition of exclusive and the rest of the universe's are very different ;)

So Forza and Halo then? Which in the mean time PS4 has Drive Club and will inevitably get a version of GT at some point. As for Halo - not a deal breaker for most, in the same way that Killzone on PS is not a deal breaker for XBox owners

Whilst that is brilliant in it's complete disregard for reality, the case is that these games are not on the direct competition, the PS4. It's irrelevant that they are on PC. What is relevant is that they aren't on the PS4.

If you read back, the discussion was on the lack of exclusive PS4 games, something that the usual suspects here are ignoring.

Also, you're comparing Driveclub to Forza, seriously? GT maybe, however I wouldn't bank on seeing that for quite some time. Much like most of Sony's lineup.
19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
Whilst that is brilliant in it's complete disregard for reality, the case is that these games are not on the direct competition, the PS4. It's irrelevant that they are on PC. What is relevant is that they aren't on the PS4.

If you read back, the discussion was on the lack of exclusive PS4 games, something that the usual suspects here are ignoring.

Also, you're comparing Driveclub to Forza, seriously? GT maybe, however I wouldn't bank on seeing that for quite some time. Much like most of Sony's lineup.

Plenty of exclusives already, without including those that are also on PC I.e. not exclusive.


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16 Jan 2003
I have not heard much noise about all the multiplatform ones being better on PS4. In fact quite the contrary that they are in fact very similar between platforms. E.g. Mad Max both are 1080p, MGS is 900P vs 1080p)

You know there is more to graphics than just resolution right? MGS on the XB1 is missing subsurface scattering, has lower quality motion blur, worse texture filtering etc..
6 Jun 2010
Convincing retort. Sad that it was you that drew the initial comparison.

Really? I only said there was stacks of games that I can't get round to. I cannot be bothered with your petulance and perstistance to argue which console has better exclusives. In the grand scheme of things it honestly doesn't even matter. Both are decent consoles and both have games id like to play hence I have them both. The PS4 is a great machine and its sales certainly back it up. Its breaking records and thats wothout some heavy hitters still to be released. So effectively you are telling us we have a great console that is only going to get better. With the upcoming firmware update it adds more user centric features and shows Sony is listening. Why don't you chill and just enjoy gaming for what it is essentially, a hobby.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500

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