*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

So whilst tinkering about with the iPlayer app to watch the olympics on the consoles, I discovered that the Xbone version of iPlayer natively outputs at 1920x1080 which results in a much nicer picture. On PS4 it only outputs at 1280x720 and the console then scales the display up to 1080p. Most bizarre. You can definitely tell the difference between the two as the PS4 version is fuzzier and has odd grey bars down the sides.

I'm going to write to the BBC and see if I can get an answer but would be interested to see if any others find the same thing on their setups.


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Why wont it let me log into the ps network? says I need to change my password?

Its weird I got 3 emails all with a password change request just now but I wasn't even on my ps4?
Yeah very bizzare I just randomly got 3 reset your password request emails then when I went on my ps4 and tried to log into the PS network it said that as a security measure you need to update your password.
Just been announced that Sony are rolling out 2FA - perhaps thats why you got those emails? Whenever it happens for the UK, make sure you enable it!

ps3ud0 :cool:
Hear ye! Hear ye! Sony has heard ye!

Folders coming in the next PS4 firmware update.


Did anyone here sign up for the latest beta firmware testing that I posted about a while back?

At the risk of being captain negative, I don't see the fuss about folders. The fact that everything you have recently played stays on the menu bar anyway, don't see it as an essential addition. The separation of purchased vs installed content sounds more useful.

The hidden trophies thing I am undecided on - on one hand I don't like to see story related trophies (or other easy/unmissable trophies), however being able to see some of the more obscure hidden trophies will be useful (rather than having to read a trophy guide).
At the risk of being captain negative, I don't see the fuss about folders.

I thought that was just me. I find the game library and quick bar perfectly acceptable. :D I need to see some video of folders in action to see whether they would make life any easier.
At the risk of being captain negative, I don't see the fuss about folders. The fact that everything you have recently played stays on the menu bar anyway, don't see it as an essential addition. The separation of purchased vs installed content sounds more useful.

The hidden trophies thing I am undecided on - on one hand I don't like to see story related trophies (or other easy/unmissable trophies), however being able to see some of the more obscure hidden trophies will be useful (rather than having to read a trophy guide).

I have over 130 games installed. Having them all shown at once kills the XMB and having only the latest 10 isn't enough, especially when some of those are taken up by Media/App icons too.

It's a very welcome addition for me. Being able to create folders for Racing/FPS/Couch Co-op etc.
I have over 130 games installed. Having them all shown at once kills the XMB and having only the latest 10 isn't enough, especially when some of those are taken up by Media/App icons too.

It's a very welcome addition for me. Being able to create folders for Racing/FPS/Couch Co-op etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some people who are going to be very happy with this addition (especially people who buy everything digital rather than on disc), but for me it makes no odds really. I play maybe 4 or 5 games at any period of time, with a couple being digital. Any of my other disc games appear straight away on the menu as soon as you put the disc in.
The separate installed vs purchased will also slim down the library to only anything ready to play.

I'm not sure what changes I would actually be excited to see in a firmware update though? Maybe fixing the parental controls to actually be of use, or the never going to happen option of Backwards compatibility.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some people who are going to be very happy with this addition (especially people who buy everything digital rather than on disc), but for me it makes no odds really. I play maybe 4 or 5 games at any period of time, with a couple being digital. Any of my other disc games appear straight away on the menu as soon as you put the disc in.
The separate installed vs purchased will also slim down the library to only anything ready to play.

I'm not sure what changes I would actually be excited to see in a firmware update though? Maybe fixing the parental controls to actually be of use, or the never going to happen option of Backwards compatibility.

Improving the Twitch streaming would be good. The quality for the Best HD setting doesn't justify the bandwidth requirements. They need to allow it to go direct to Twitch and not via their own servers.
About time really, my XMB dashboard is getting far too slow

I wonder if we'll get the ability to hide/remove expired beta's/demos from the library app as well
Improving the Twitch streaming would be good. The quality for the Best HD setting doesn't justify the bandwidth requirements. They need to allow it to go direct to Twitch and not via their own servers.

It already streams directly to Twitch or whatever service you pick.

Ultimately you're limited by the hardware to a max of 720p.
Here's a video of folders in action.

EDIT: Video has been made private as of 19/8/16.

One thing I did notice in that video is recording videos of up to 60 minutes now. I think it was 15 previously?
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