Has anyone here gone from a PS4 to a PS4 Pro? If so, would you recommend the upgrade for someone still playing on a 1080P monitor?
Basically i've been gifted a PS4 Slim and i'm wondering whether it's worth trading it in and buying a PS4 Pro for the performance benefit. I'll only be gaming at 1080P but i've heard that the 'boost' mode make a difference in older games. I'm not sure how much i'd get for my brand new PS4 Slim either.
I had the same dilemma and have decided not to bother for now. I'm on a 1440p PC monitor so the Pro won't let me use 4k mode anyways and the vast majority of games look and run great on the base model (Horizon, Uncharted 4 etc.). I'm not interested in framerate benefits as not even a handful of games can push locked 60fps and there's nothing worse than fps jumping between 30-45.
The whole reason I wanted to upgrade is Yakuza 6 which runs HORRIBLY on the base model, I can't believe they released it in such state. But that's only one game.