I think with the Pro the graphic improvements are subtle at best in most cases, that might change with future releases as developers make better use of what’s there, but for me the difference is in smoothness, the consistency to run games at a higher FPS with more graphic options enabled where the Pro allows it.
Yes, games run way better on my PC (for 3-4x the cost) but it’s nice not to be sat behind the PC (I hybrid work) all day, with work and gaming. And it’s nice to play some games on the bigger TV screen with HDR (guess I also know my next monitor upgrade) like HZD and TLoU without thinking about playing at 30FPS, then there’s the exclusives like AstroBot and GT7.
So all in all I’m happy with my Pro upgrade, even if I do shudder at the thought of what the next gen of consoles will cost now that Sony like Nvidia know gamers will still buy them at an inflated rate and that’s before Trump increases tariffs on imports which I’m sure will hit gamers along the line.