I doubt i'd ever do a midnight premier again after my experience with Independence Day, christ ive never known a room so full to capacity of morons in my life!
I'm torn with this.
I'm dying to go see it ASAP, but I hate full cinemas. If I was a billionaire I'd book the entire screen room lol.
It's looking like it'll be chocka at launch :/
Some folks are thinking Ridley has pulled a fast one on us, he said the final 8 minutes tie in directly with Alien. The credits run for approximately 8 minutes on Prometheus and they use the original Alien score.
I don't think he'd do that to be honest but some peeps are convinced.
You mean like as I first suggested here? http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=21932531&postcount=622
I'd not be seen dead on a "AVP Galaxy" forum!
Can't find a 2D pre-booking near me, all 3D.
Same thoughts here. I have checked all my local ones and they are all 3D. Guess I won't be going to see it now. Very disappointed of the choice of 3D only ( I now presume it will be 3D only)
Q: Is Prometheus ONLY available in 3D?!
Lindelof: .@Gemmayy It was SHOT in 3D and that’s how Ridley wants you to see it, but it if you’re brave enough to DEFY him, it’s also avail in 2D.
LMAO...I just troll over there, have never posted. It's got the most/best info about Prometheus of anywhere on the net though so i'm there daily.