Honestly I'd have been completely okay if Prometheus had no monsters in it (except the Engineer).
I'm with you there. That's the part I can't quite understand. Prometheus story could perfectly stand on its own. Stand alone, without being a prequel to anything Alien related or even remotely Alien adjacent. Crew goes to space to search for creators, but finds what they didn't bargain for. No sea monsters. No pteroxenos. No undersized Space Jockeys. Just goo, crew, droid and scientists. And what we do best as species - ef things up.
But since it was rolled through Fox' piggy bank on the back of Alien franchise - my question is - wouldn't it be better if instead of breaking Alien universe even further, with another hopelessly convoluted B-movie like mutation with its own semi broken illogical life cycle, instead of making up zombies and squids the script writer just followed the established canon. Crew still find vases, they still find pile of Engineer bodies, but where there are chests bursted, and sticky substance on surfaces, there always is evil, sleeping inside eggs. Makes sense in Alien universe, doesn't break big questions, doesn't protrude in Engineer story. But it explains much more of what we've seen in the background without entirely new zoo that doesn't fit anywhere. The universe is whole again.
For the cinema viewer, the choice would be relatively easy too - since it
had to be released as nomen est omen Alien pre-quel-ish-adjacent movie - would you rather see bizarre squids and zombies or elements of old school, classic, proven, life cycle, perhaps NOT with dozens of rubber suited long headed drones, but like in the original - a bit of a silent passenger - presented carefully, without fully explaining or revealing what's actually taking the crew off one by one while hidden in the dark?
There is a bit in Lindelofs email interview that brings me back to my original gut feeling about this movie:
"my job was to strip out the familiar "Alien" stuff and rebalance the plot mechanics so that stuff felt more like the RESULT of the story as opposed to the catalyst. "
I think he actually got it wrong. It's the other way. He created storyline of catalysts, without any results, short or long term. He runs through the story propelled forward by endless chain of unexplained "where did this come from" moments, leaving the best RESULT bits behind. Script makes crew find multiple pyramid mounds, destroys eco system of first one, doesn't bother exploring what is in the rest of them. Crew discover footage of crowd of running engineers, follow last one, don't bother checking replay of where the rest run off. Stumbles upon pile of bodies with bursts chests, doesn't explore what happened to the colony of xenomorphs that inevitably layed eggs somewhere in the corridors. Dave creates experiment that results in "not exactly traditional fetus" pregnancy, goes on to joke about it ("Didn't think you had it in you") but doesn't bother checking what was the final result of it. And so on, so forth.
But then there is the first part of that sentence -
my job was to strip out the familiar "Alien" stuff. And seriously - take few steps back and look at the whole thing again. Not a single Alien franchise element. Not a single image, not a single copyrighted name, not a logo, not a part of lifecycle. Space Jockey resized, arms shortened and humanised, "skull helmet" changed, chair revised. Alien mural left shapeless and vague. Alien-adjacent creatures mutated enough (eg.giant hugger made into squid with tentacles rather than facehugger with scorpion like traits and jointed "legs") not to be anywhere in vicinity of the same "toy license" territory. This is allegedly Alien universe movie that doesn't use any part or small element of Alien universe construction set. It doesn't even refer to anything with old project or script names. It's not Alien prequel about corporation looking for Space Jockey. It's a movie about familiar sounding names searching for Engineers. It's almost like a movie budget of 125 million but license tactic of those B-movie "knock offs" that precede bigger releases by few weeks - you know - like "
Alien vs Hunter" released a month before Alien vs Predator: Requiem. Or
The Terminators released before Terminator Salvation.