It's not a bad film at all. That's your opinion.
Most people are able to appraise a film on more than just a binary scale of "good or bad". Like a scale of 1 to 10. It sounds like you would like to give it a zero.
People that rate Prometheus badly are those that hyped themselves up about it way too much and hold Alien in too high regard. So those "many people" you refer to is actually yourself!
No, not really, I went there with an open mind, and what I saw was just a series of images stitched up together with no attention to story telling, coherence or respect for the intelligence of the viewer. It is clear that RS is well passed his prime, so that is the only excuse I can find to be honest. But good attempt at playing clever guy 4.5/10
I gave the film a 4/10, since there is no excuse to get even some even technical details wrong, like the overuse of the annoying music, resorting to overused action tricks which are 30 years old ...
So, let's agree to disagree, I have the same right at thinking this film is a poor one than any of you have at thinking it is good.
Regarding taste, well, there are some golden rules, about story telling the most obvious one is that a story which makes no sense, is a poor told one. Whatever everyone wants to see into Prometheus in terms of aesthetics, I will not discuss, but as a story, it is a disaster.
I thought that Lost was just a sick joke on the viewer and stopped watching it half way into the second season, and to be fair that is kind of the same with Prometheus, half way into it, it was quite obvious that the story was dire and RS did not make any attempts to tame at all, and it just went to different places without any rhythm or sense of direction.
Regarding numbers, I do not care if 1 billion in the planet think that big brother is great, it is not.