Capt Doufos said:B3 Stepping, and I cannot get above 2.7ghz.
Voltage increase makes no difference. I am sat here on default volts idling at 38/39 whilst running prime it occasionally hits 58.
It just doesn't want to play. It's not the board as I had my 6300 running at 410mhz FSB.
Not sure whats causing it. All the settings are the same as when I was running the dual core.
It's an Abit AW9D-MAX i975.
It’s the 975x chipset that is the limiting factor.
In particular seems the Q6600 on a AW9D-Max is even more limited. Seems 300Mhz FSB is where it stops, take a look at this:
I have an old Asus P5W DH and anything over 333FSB is unstable so I am good for 3Ghz (333 x 9) so still happy as I paid for a Q6600 after price drop and got a QX6850 clock.
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