**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Smurfy said:
indeed, 130 saves so far in two days of playing.

Superb Game, anyone know where i can find the pseudodog tail/fur whatever it is we need.

Iv searched loads of animal corpses and found hoofs eyes but no ppseudodog tail.

Any help would be appreciated.


just kill any dogs??? Cause I got 2 so far
Not bad so far I feel, Im a bit disappointed in the performance having just upgraded and still having to turn stuff off.

My biggest annoyance so far is the horribly budget looking 'game over' text that appears when you die. It looks like it was ripped from a spectrum game!!

Lightning also seems to cause lag which sucks a bit.


Native res with lower detail or lower res with higher detail?


Had a lot of fun earlier. I've just got up to the first Lab and got the key code havn't gone furthur than this yet, as I went to the new zone I saw a stalker he had a bandit tied up aiming a scoped weapon at his head, I instantly pulled out my shotgun and blew his head off :D , the scope is superb. :D . Loving this game.
Zatoichi.uK said:

Native res with lower detail or lower res with higher detail?


Personally I'd go with the native res :)

Anyone got to the Red Forest area of the map, just battling my way through there at the moment, getting what looks like some really weird glitches.
I dunno it may be part of the game, but it certainly doesn't look like it.
Huge long strips of colour/light on the floor. See pic ;)

anyone found that you kill a bunch of guys, go for a wander, come back and they are all alive again lol

bit tedious, enjoying it though. First two levels quite quick, now on one where I have to help out some stalkers in a firefight, trouble is I had to go back a level and just have a walk around - someone told me about a stash under a 'metal grate' but I can't find it :P
v0id said:
I'm having a wierd problem with Stalker. I've managed to get it running reasonably smoothly considering my rig (3200+, 6800GT, 1GB RAM) by tweaking and OCing in a balls to stability kinda way, but whats annoying me is when I look around in game I hear a faint crackling sound. It doesn't happen when stationary and I don't move the mouse but as soon as I look somewhere I get the crackling. I've tried turning off EAX and turning sound hardware acceleration right down but its still there. I am using headphones so I tried it with my monitors speakers but they're so damn quiet you can't tell if its doing it - they're rubbish for gaming.

If anyone has experienced a similar problem or has any idea how to fix it I'd be very greatful as its driving me mad!


EDIT: Forgot to say, my sound card is a Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo III.

Are you sure its not the Geiger Muller Counter that measures radiation?
Amadeus said:
anyone found that you kill a bunch of guys, go for a wander, come back and they are all alive again lol

bit tedious, enjoying it though. First two levels quite quick, now on one where I have to help out some stalkers in a firefight, trouble is I had to go back a level and just have a walk around - someone told me about a stash under a 'metal grate' but I can't find it :P

Some other people have had that problem. Apparently if you turn the difficulty down to low or at least lower then this stops happening. At least it did for some people.
I'm pretty sure its not the Geiger Counter - its all the time, whenever I look around in game. Or is everyone experiencing the same thing?
Bought this game today. It's great so far, however I really need some more memory to take full advantage of the beautiful graphics. Shame really, as I can play Oblivion very well at my 2405's native res... oh well, an excuse to upgrade :p

I can't believe how hard it is at first! The firefighting is incredibly realistic from what I can see and the enemies are about as hard as I am so far! Hitting the target is very tough, especially as I'm used to the pin point accuracy of Gordon Freeman etc. Anyhow, I am making progress and I look forward to the scary stuff later on, which my friend who has played it quite a bit assures me there is plenty of!
tom_nieto said:
The firefighting is incredibly realistic from what I can see and the enemies are about as hard as I am so far! Hitting the target is very tough, especially as I'm used to the pin point accuracy of Gordon Freeman etc.
You'll soon get over this when you work out that the IQ of hostile AI characters drops like a stone with your visibility bar. Hide behind something and marvel at how the a-life system has them stand in a row or walk around behind you and somehow not see you! :D
I have found the AI to be pretty reasonable, its not flawless by any means but better than most games i can remember, its not the fancy AI FEAR has, they dont jump fences or dive for cover but its a fairly good basic AI imo.

I also like the fact the weapons arent 100% accurate and that it applys to both AI and yourself, it feels like you could be blown away by an unlucky headshot at any time, never have i felt really in control in the same way as i do in most games. This may be different on easier settings but on Master its a good balance.

I think the game is hard, certainly on the hardest setting, but it is a game that gets easier as you go on, the biggest challange for me so far has been lack of ammo, but even thats disappearing now i can buy ammo for sub and assualt rifles. First mission where you take out the farm ( by yourself) with a pistol was immensly challanging although it is the first thing you do in the game so your not quite with it.

The game by its very design has long periods where it can be frustrating/boring with long runs back and forth to and from missions but i have to say it seems like the best single player game iv played since the original half life, im addicted, thank god its not based online or id be addicted for years.
Least ive found out why i get the odd crackle, and why sometimes i cant hear my footsteps etc... i remembered that GTA San Andreas used to do the same thing, some of the sounds would disappear etc... so i used to turn the hardware acceleration down to basic for the sound, so i tried it in this and it works the same, no more crackling, sounds not disappearing, can hear my footsteps etc... :)
I wish that worked for me mate, it was the first thing I tried. Even on Basic I still get a faint crackling sound. The wierd thing is it only does it when I look left or right, not when I look up or down, walk or strafe, and it only does it outside. Very strange.
Ive posed the same thing in your thread on the stalker forums (im guessing thats you as well), shame it doesn't work for you. :(

have you got the new OpenALL that allows you to have the EAX working and give surround.
Thanks anyway mate, I was certain it would fix the problem myself. If it did it all the time it might be a bit more obvious what the cause was, but only when looking left/right? Its got me stumped.

EDIT: Installed OpenAL but crackling still there. I've noticed it only does it when I swing the view around quickly, if I look left/right slowly theres no crackling. Makes me think its graphics related, the fact that it doesn't do it indoors also points to this. However, when I turned off dynamic lighting to ease the strain on my card the crackling was still there. I have no idea whats causing it. Very annoying.
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i'm really not sure where I am meant to be headed at the moment, last few hours I've just spent wondering around.

I'm meant to be getting the documents from X18, but have no idea where this is. I've browsed about and found nothing of use, also seen mention of X16, not sure what that is either of if I have been there already!

Any ideas anyone?
Ive gotten to barkeep, i must have wakled thru a restricted zone as all the ppl started to attack, i died and i hadnt saved for awhile so i have to redo a fair chunk of it again, im not used to quicksaving :(
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