**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Snow-Munki said:
umm might get the game... but was wondering if it is scary ? I'm such a wimp wimp :p

just been through X18 labs, that was fun :) managed to get two beefy weapons, trouble is ammo for them is scarce!

off to X16 now for some fun - game gets better as u go further
Wow... just went into the research facility, and out of it... that.... thing? at the end was the icing on the cake of a genuinely scary experience. The way you couldn't actually properly see it while it attacked you is one of the most unsettling experiences in the game so far (I ran away). I've not been this scared since playing Silent Hill 1 as a kid.
KNiVES said:
Wow... just went into the research facility, and out of it... that.... thing? at the end was the icing on the cake of a genuinely scary experience. The way you couldn't actually properly see it while it attacked you is one of the most unsettling experiences in the game so far (I ran away). I've not been this scared since playing Silent Hill 1 as a kid.
You're making me not want to leave the garbage. :(
KNiVES said:
Wow... just went into the research facility, and out of it... that.... thing? at the end was the icing on the cake of a genuinely scary experience. The way you couldn't actually properly see it while it attacked you is one of the most unsettling experiences in the game so far (I ran away). I've not been this scared since playing Silent Hill 1 as a kid.

It's a brilliant experience, I mean, apart from the crapping of the pants. I managed to shoot that "thing" but I legged it after a couple shots from his "power?"

Some of the little abandoned town places is scary, especially with them "blood suckers" running after you... Great atmosphere IMOH, scary at parts, adrenaline rushing at others.
GOTY material for sure if it would have less bugs.

I have had a good experience so far apart from some strange bugs, killed all the army guys under the bridge and looted them, was oever-encumbered so went to the trader to sell stuff, came back and saw enemy movement so I sneak in to see who was there and when I came out from cover to shoot him he was gone :confused:

Is anyone else doing all the side quests and exploring, I have played for 10 hours now and are still in the first part :p

Another thing, is it worth spending 9k or 24k on the armour the Trader sells or not?
Well managed to find X18! :D
Damn PDA pointing in completely the wrong direction.
That's the first time I've properly been to the Dark Valley :p

Now up in Yantar for the X16 bit, You escort the Scientist and he gets killed, guess there is no way of keeping him alive?
Im doing the rookie stalker mission at the minute, cracking game ive got loads of stuff, i have to keep going back to the trader to offload it so i can pick up more, as i have to leave loads off stuff behind, go and offload then come back. :D

Man i nearly died last night, i got past the bridge then went into those 2x bulidings just on the left, by this time it was about midnight or summit as it was well dark, and it was teaming down with thunder and lighting, so i starts going into the first building and all i hear is this loud growl/squeel, then hear this badum, badum of something big running towards to me, im like wtf is that, then all of a sudden this big fat dog thing jumps into me flashlight outa nowhere :eek: , instead of opening fire with the machinee i just legged it. :D
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LoadsaMoney said:
Man i nearly died last night, i got past the bridge then went into those 2x bulidings just on the left, by this time it was about midnight or summit as it was well dark, and it was teaming down with thunder and lighting, so i starts going into the first building and all i hear is this loud growl/squeel, then hear this badum, badum of something big running towards to me, im like wtf is that, then all of a sudden this big fat dog thing jumps into me flashlight outa nowhere :eek: , instead of opening fire with the machinee i just legged it. :D
That is a sidequest to kill the mutants at that farm, I did it knowing there were mutants there and in the daylight and it looks my timing was better than yours :D
Dutch Guy said:
That is a sidequest to kill the mutants at that farm, I did it knowing there were mutants there and in the daylight and it looks my timing was better than yours :D
I set off to do that mission and when I reached the farm another group of stalkers had killed all but one of the mutants before I got there. I finished off the last one and got all the credit for completing the mission. Thanks guys. LOL! :D
i Cant belive how completely addicted to his game i have become, iv played for going on 40 hours now id guess(half life 2 took me a day at most), i havent completed it yet due to playing through all the side missions, and restarting i estimate between
1/3-1/2 the way through the game due to patch. I think for all those that completed this game in under 30 hours i hope you go back and play it again and play it through fully, i think the game needs to be played methodically and trying to complete all missions to get full enjoyment.

Definatly my favourite single player game since the original Half life, perhaps better but i look back on Half Life with rose tinted glasses so nothing will ever beat it.

Imo this has massive potential as a MMOFPS im just very glad it isnt, i cant afford months of this addiction.

After playing it and trying to be critical, iv come up a with a few annoying bugs/features about the game.

  • Occasionally after a save the FPS drop to 3/4 FPS and requires you to exit the game and reload the save. To get back to ordinary FPS.
  • Items/Quest triggering needs some real attention some of it is in a very unnatural order and can require going back to an earlier save point and replaying.
  • It appears that some of the Side Quests actually repeat after a set amount of time.

But overall i can forgive all these for such a unique game.
BillTheButcher said:
I set off to do that mission and when I reached the farm another group of stalkers had killed all but one of the mutants before I got there. I finished off the last one and got all the credit for completing the mission. Thanks guys. LOL! :D
Yeah, there were two STALKERS when I got there , they killed all but two in my case, the first was inside not noticing me so got a load of buckshot before noticing me and the second one ran away with me chasing and I shot it in his back, it was very easy mission after killing all the guys stationed under the railroad crossing :)

I had a side quest where I needed to find a tail of a Pseudo dog (where the hell are they?) and I didn't get it in 1 day so failed that mission, but after doing a different mission I was very surprised to find that Pseudo dog mission being offered again.
Smurfy said:
Occasionally after a save the FPS drop to 3/4 FPS and requires you to exit the game and reload the save. To get back to ordinary FPS.
use the console, press ` and type 'save filename' without quotes, see if sorts the fps drop.

edit: a tip for the side quests to find an artifact/monster part, don't accept the quest unless you have the goods. the quest will remain there 'till taken on so you always come back when you do have the goods.. blue containers near traders are safe storage where you can pool items you expect to find quests for, it could be that all blue containers are safe but i've not tried those out in their field.
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The Pusedodog tail (sp?) took me ages to find.
The Pusudodog is the wolf looking one, the most visous of the dorgs, white eyes BIG teeth. I had to kill 8/9 of them to get find a tail.

Hectors suggestion of only accepting a mission when you have the item is a good one. I do the same, also for all side missions save before you accept it, find out what the mission is, are you likely to complete the mission within one day? if not load the save and leave the mission untill you can complete it.

Im intrested in hearing from those who have completed the game about factions, i have just joined Freedom ( i think iv joined em, screwed over a load of Duty), i have made save so if nessersary i can go back and play as other factions later but can you change factions after you have joined one?
I was wondering if you joined Freedom then you head back into Rostock where the bar and stuff is, do the Duty guys start attacking you? i've started doing the freedom quests but haven't touched any that involve the Duty guys incase they attack me everytime i go back to the bar area.
m@rty said:
I was wondering if you joined Freedom then you head back into Rostock where the bar and stuff is, do the Duty guys start attacking you? i've started doing the freedom quests but haven't touched any that involve the Duty guys incase they attack me everytime i go back to the bar area.
Yeh they do attack you apparantly.

I'm still yet to join a side, how far into the game do you have to be before joining?
you can do the quests once you get to the rostock area where the bar is, just go to the army warehouse area and speak to the duty guy who has a mission for you, you can do the mission or just go to the freedom base and tell them about it and they start giving you missions.
when can you join duty?

Iv did the missions where you help soldiers out in the wilderness, and iv attacked the freedom base

however the soldier guarding the entrance to the duty general doesnt let me in, just says no outsiders allowed
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