You can join Duty around in the same area as Freedom, the farm that you attack as a Freedom member has a Duty guy who wants you to go and snipe someone.
Just a tip, just to the left ( beyond the abaondoned village where the blood stalkers hang out (comming from the bar) of the farm with Duty there are a bunc of merc's fairly heavily armoured, if you kill the 3/4 mercs you will find some fairly tasty modifed weapons including a modified Chaser13, and two modified rifles ( the type that looks suspisously like the bristish army use).
Just to be clear, i have also always spoken out about how great this game is, its unique and the forumla sits well with me. I have never played a single player game as avidily as i have this.
Its not going to be everyones cup of tea, it has bugs, these are acceptable to me but not to everyone
It is not the game many where expecting its changed an awful lot since the early conceptual design/ideas its really not the same game at all, the original ideas of stalker where superb, i regret it was delayed as much as it was.
I consider it very likely the delays have had a serious impact on the quality of the game, at the speed the graphics evolve in games it must have had 2 or 3 versions of graphics, but the end result to me is stunning, the lightning strikes create the most amazing shadows iv seen in a game, with reasonable frame rate and it fits modern hardware. I dont think Doom 3 ran any better than this when it was first released, although granted it has less bugs.