**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Just read back through the posts. Are people going back to the traders to upgrade there armor etc? I have not been back since i was given the mission to go and get info on the stalker (strelok or something) still in my original gear and weapons.... :D
Done all the first trader missions except the Strelok guy and the pseudo dog tail mission. The thing is, when I try to go north from Cordon into Garbage, I die - it says 'radiation - protection needed'. Where do I get such protection? I've looked all over :(
schnipps said:
I have never understood this either, people spend a fortune bit on a rigg but use a 19" screen :confused:, cant see the point in having a GTX if you dont at least have a big screen.

true, iv had my 19' for aages, and ive never actually gamed at a higher resolution, so i dont know what im missing really :confused:

I gotta say i travelled to Yantar and wow, what an atmosphere, you really do get the feeling your all alone in the middle of nowhere.

spoke with the scientist dudes who gave a mission to get armour that heals you inside some village/city block thing as a scientist went in but never came out

I travelled along blasting zombie soldiers as i went, came to the main gate to get in, but the radiation was to high...no problem i thought and then put on my scientist radiation suit. went in but i ended up getting a bleeding injury though i wasnt getting hit :confused:

Anyway i thought id run it and use bandages as i went, ran past groups of zombies trying to get inside the building when a weird dude that runs on all fours ran past me. turned round and jumped on me

"parp" my pants went, and i was dead
though it was the best bit of fun iv had in the game yet
Lol for gods sake i'm like 20 hours into the game and i just patched it and now my saves wont load, says incompatible version or currupt saved file, the biggest sigh ever to follow sigh.. any fix for this or am i starting again ?
It is/was well known that the patch will cause all previous saves to not function. You have to start again unfortunetely. Or maybe put your saves somewhere and install the original version.
Ken, it's stable now, think the last thing i did was reset the cmos after installing the x2 patches.

Radiation suits blokes that run on four legs ! yay bring it on.....and some wet wipes ! :rolleyes:
I've just collected the documents, and given them to the bar guy. However, I'm still using rubbish guns. Have I missed something???

Also, why is it that no one has any decent stuff to trade?

Sherm said:
Just read back through the posts. Are people going back to the traders to upgrade there armor etc? I have not been back since i was given the mission to go and get info on the stalker (strelok or something) still in my original gear and weapons.... :D

I'm in the same position and I'm wondering if I have to go all the way back because it would be a heck of a long trek just to go back and forth. Would I be right in thinking that the special mission is similiar to the main quest in Oblivion?
Yep its a little odd, I managed to pick up a quick firing machine gun that is much better. I walked miles to a hidden cache after paying 4000 for info in the bar - and it contained a bottle of vodka :rolleyes: and lots of respawned bandits :rolleyes:
anyway, on way to X18 lab I managed to help this guy in an ambush and he gave me a telescopic sight which I have thrown on the machine gun - ill try it tonite!

as for trading, only managed to trade small items, nothing big etc...don't think its that useful at mo
KNiVES said:
Done all the first trader missions except the Strelok guy and the pseudo dog tail mission. The thing is, when I try to go north from Cordon into Garbage, I die - it says 'radiation - protection needed'. Where do I get such protection? I've looked all over :(

You have to either go through the tunnel with the electric anomaly, or find the break in the fence closer to the tunnel. Where the fence ends there is a patch of heavy radiation and without protection, which I have yet to find you will get sick crossing there.
This game is pretty crap in all honesty. You have the ability to trade with other people... but there is nothing worth trading. You have a massive selection of guns, but none of them are freely available (to find or buy). And the PDA thing doesn't work!


How about having a decent trade system, the ability to buy or trade decent weapons (for loads of money, but that would be an incentive to do more side quests to gain the money for the better weapons), and a PDA that is clear and makes sense... oh, and running back and forth through several zones to trade is a bit crap as well.

Just an opinion.
Pablo72 said:
I've just collected the documents, and given them to the bar guy. However, I'm still using rubbish guns. Have I missed something???

Also, why is it that no one has any decent stuff to trade?


Just after travelling to the bar, go right i think towards army warehouse, if you wanna help duty you can attack a freedom base and you get LOADS of guns and ammo, if you attack during the day anyway

I ended up getting a sniper rifle that is very accurate and kills guys no problem. Its great as you only use a few bullets to kill a soldier, and you have plenty ammo to last ages
Pablo72 said:
west of the bar, the train station is a good place to find plenty of 5.56mm weapons with sights.. and just as you enter the duty area, where the dogs are, keep your eyes open for a lone duty dude walking about hunting the dogs. he's got a thunder that uses 5.45 ammo :cool:

you can't trade weapons with NPC's walking about because you could sell them 5k worth and they won't be able to move due to the weight. however i'm attempting a mod to add more stuff to traders and drop lists (rare items, but with a 1 in 500 chance of a drop, the story is that the NPC was on a side quest to recover the rare item but he failed ;)). drop lists i've sussed but for the life of me i can't find the trader details.. anyone else modding here?

pinkfloyd i cocked up, if you missed my post look back a page :o

edit: oh, has anyone sat about to listen to the south army checkpoint? the dude booming out information over the megaphone really made me laugh yesterday, he broke from the routine to moan about his life lol
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Hector said:
you can't trade weapons with NPC's walking about because you could sell them 5k worth and they won't be able to move due to the weight.

Fair point, but I still think there should be some more decent stuff to trade.

Also, I've found that I've been to lots of secret stash places, only to find naff all there! That's beginning to get my wick too!

All in all, this game could have been great, but after 6 years of development we are waiting on those talented modders out there to make the game great!

Shame really, as there are some nice ideas in this one.
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