**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

That military base escape right after the underground station was probably the most intense gunfight in the game so far for me. From a horror game to an action game

Was this the Lab where the items float around and the flames chase you all over the level? if so, yes I agree, although the end of level was a tad confusing once inside the Lab.
I am currently off looking for X16 and heading towards the Scorcher :eek:
Oxygen said:
Was this the Lab where the items float around and the flames chase you all over the level? if so, yes I agree, although the end of level was a tad confusing once inside the Lab.
I am currently off looking for X16 and heading towards the Scorcher :eek:

Yep same here, where do i find the guide and doctors missions?
Can't remember where I got the Guide mission from. I guess it just pops up after you've done enough of the main quest. In other words I don't think you can get to the point where you can reach Pripyat but not already have the 'Meet the Guide' mission.

You can't get the decoder unless you meet the guide and then meet the doctor. The stash with the decoder in (in the hotel in Pripyat) is empty if you don't have the quest to find it. Same with all the stashes in the game, they're empty until you find the PDA telling you about them. Kinda silly but there you go.

Everyone should see the 'green fields' ending btw since as I was saying earlier this it the only ending that lets you play the final level, which is absolutely awesome and the best piece of 3d modelling I've ever seen. Without going into spoilers if you do the 'wish granter' or the 'join the consciousness' endings you miss out on this final level. Having said that it's still worth making saves and seeing all the endings that are available, and the reactor core with the wish granter in it is well worth seeing too.

Real shame the game isn't what was originally planned since the good bits show how awesome it would have been with a much bigger zone, vehicles, sleeping, fatigure etc. Could have been the best game ever.
fish99 said:
Can't remember where I got the Guide mission from. I guess it just pops up after you've done enough of the main quest. In other words I don't think you can get to the point where you can reach Pripyat but not already have the 'Meet the Guide' mission.

You can't get the decoder unless you meet the guide and then meet the doctor. The stash with the decoder in (in the hotel in Pripyat) is empty if you don't have the quest to find it. Same with all the stashes in the game, they're empty until you find the PDA telling you about them. Kinda silly but there you go.

Everyone should see the 'green fields' ending btw since as I was saying earlier this it the only ending that lets you play the final level, which is absolutely awesome and the best piece of 3d modelling I've ever seen. Without going into spoilers if you do the 'wish granter' or the 'join the consciousness' endings you miss out on this final level. Having said that it's still worth making saves and seeing all the endings that are available, and the reactor core with the wish granter in it is well worth seeing too.

Real shame the game isn't what was originally planned since the good bits show how awesome it would have been with a much bigger zone, vehicles, sleeping, fatigure etc. Could have been the best game ever.

i agree, it could have been great but its good :) i do like the best ending but i found it hard on stalker difficulty. Im going to start again & do the side quests.
I think i best stop picking up all the quests ive had quite a few fail because i was unaware they had time limits to them, damm my rpg roots.

Picked up a nice gun though a silenced lg? the gun the british army use or the Unlock in BF 2 take your pick ;)

Is there anyway of increasing your carrying limit, i had to dump over 1000 rounds of ammo as i wasnt using it only to pick up a gun later that needed it :(
Spend_day said:
ummm does any1 know where the screenshots are being saved i cant find them anywhere

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\STALKER-SHOC\screenshots


EDIT: The Shared Documents folder becomes simply Documents when I click it, so if you wanted to copy/paste then you might need to use this: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\screenshots

Either way I am sure you will find it now :D
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Oxygen said:
Was this the Lab where the items float around and the flames chase you all over the level? if so, yes I agree, although the end of level was a tad confusing once inside the Lab.
I am currently off looking for X16 and heading towards the Scorcher :eek:

Dude, seriously load up on ammo. And make sure you've got some good armour on (green Rad suit is good).
For people who find that the AK is inaccurate - you're right. If you can find it, the G36K is infinitely more accurate and damaging to the enemy - a burst to the head usually takes them down. So buy/scrounge as much 5.56 as you can.
I'll say no more so you can enjoy the surprises.
Oxygen said:
Was this the Lab where the items float around and the flames chase you all over the level? if so, yes I agree, although the end of level was a tad confusing once inside the Lab.
I am currently off looking for X16 and heading towards the Scorcher :eek:

when items float around its cause of poltergeists look for like little floating electric storms then shoot the hell out of em they become visible once there dead

oh yeah btw the area where the enterance to lab x18 is on one of the top floors of one of the buildings theres a RPG launcher totally useless cause it weighs a ton but cool just to have you know for those days u just really need to take down a helicopter

ok for the x16 mission what gun should i take the Russian special forces 1 or the british army 1 is it possible to find nato rounds out there ????
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Whenever i'm playing s.t.a.l.k.e.r it's guranteed to freeze my p.c and i get a blue screen with a message saying 'Process has locked pages' :confused: Anybody know why or have the same problem? Any help would be great

2gb g.skill
I can't get past the very beginning with the guy in the room. Just freezes and i have to reboot. Tried reinstalling, also updated to the latest patch...happens on what ever settings/resolution i use.

2gb ram
Anyone noticed what a good weapon the knife is? I had to quickload about 30 times after getting repeatedly shot by some military bloke after unloading on him with an ak type gun then decided to just knife him, blam 1 hit and he was dead.
Decided to backtrack and not head into Pripyat. Just found out that I can do missions for Duty near the bar. Foolsihly did the mission to find the Bulldog (6 shot grenade launcher), and handed it in. But I did acquire an M4(whatever it's called) with an M203 grenade launcher... and in the next mssion, I've found an upgraded M4 + silencer. So I've stuck my M203 on that and decided to keep it. Sod what the customer wants! :D

People with problems running on Vista amy want to try out the 3gb executable patcher somewhere in this thread. It sorted out all my problems on Vista64.
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hiya guys, really gettingn into this now. Just handed in the doc's to the barman. Done some arena fighting, but really in need of a topup on medkits and weapons. Is there anywhere where i can buy some stuff? got loadsa cash now, just can't seem to spend it.....

Also is there a list of missions that gives you the upgrades etc?
really in need of a topup on medkits and weapons

Best bet is to head into the "Warehouses" area above BAR and take on the first side quest encountered (won't say to much) that involves a sniper.

Once you finish this you can have your pick of weapons, ammo, medkits and grenades.
If you sit in camp and wait for the Alarm to end, more troops arrive and it's like shooting fish. So much to take, not enough room :D
Plunk13 said:
Foolsihly did the mission to find the Bulldog (6 shot grenade launcher), and handed it in. But I did acquire an M4(whatever it's called) with an M203 grenade launcher... and in the next mission, I've found an upgraded M4 + silencer.
Where exactly did you find the grenade launcher, could really do with one of those.
I've got the sniper M4 though, and I'm loving that.

Am I right in saying that if I go to Chernobyl I can't get back, I just worked my way through Pripyat and I got teleported on to Chernobyl, and there was no obvious way of getting back, I've still got lots to do down south!

Still yet to find where the Doctor and the Guides missions are.
Where is Streloks Hiding place, not sure If I have found it yet, I know I haven't found him yet....
i found my Grenade Launcher in x18 was quite fortunate as i was just going to leave they gun till i saw it had it, so picked it up detached the gl and fixed it to my prototype ak74?
*Location of BULLDOG*

Both the M203 and the Bulldog are in a building North East of the hole in the wall of the compound. I think it's the same place where you have to kill a guy with the Duty assault team (should you choose to).
On the top floor there's a weapons room with a lock on the door, just shoot the lock off and take as much as you want. Search the lockers, and the boxes on top of the lockers for the Bulldog + grenades. On the wall there are a bunch of M4s + one with the 203.

One point - the 203 grenades ave very scarce. I've found only 5. However, you'll get plenty of ammo for the Bulldog and the Tunder smg.

There is a different grenade launcher for the AK, but the AK itself is woefully inaccurate. People are complaining that it takes a whole clip to down an enemy - WRONG - 90% of the bullets are missing the target. That's why I've dumped my AK, or use it as backup.
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