*** The Official Samsung Galaxy Note II Thread ***

"However, the news aren’t so rosy in terms of screen. It’s a 10.1-inch PLS TFT screen with a resolution of 1280×800 pixels. Samsung are not using a Super AMOLED panel and the resolution is nowhere near FullHD."

What is it with Samsung and putting terrible screens on their tablets? Is there some secret deal between them and Apple going on?
And if it is? There will be no difference is performance as s3 runs anything

Not a lot, I just want an Exynos 5 based device, in many respects it'll be nice as I've already decided there's no real point upgrading my SGS2 until Exynos 5 stuff is out so if the Note is 4412 I'll be able to resist until the SGS4 next year :)
Not a lot, I just want an Exynos 5 based device, in many respects it'll be nice as I've already decided there's no real point upgrading my SGS2 until Exynos 5 stuff is out so if the Note is 4412 I'll be able to resist until the SGS4 next year :)

i guess that would just drive the price up wouldn't it?
i guess that would just drive the price up wouldn't it?

Doubt it'd be by much if anything, both made by Samsung themselves and both on the 32nm process, so decider would be die size and not sure which is the bigger chip, but considering the 4412 is 4x A9's and the Mali-400 whilst the 5xxx, or the likely one, is 'just' 2x A15's and the T604 I doubt there's a huge amount in the die size (I believe the A15's are bigger cores)
Is the HTC one the S4 Pro? the benchmarks/leaks/rumours I've seen point to the MSM8960 which is the non-pro version (MSM8960T being the equivalent pro), whilst the non-pro is ok it's let down quite badly by the GPU...
Interesting, done some reading and it seems raw numbers it's a beast, far better than I thought, and yet it doesn't really show in any benchmarks, which I'm not sure how much it's down to poor benchmarking software and how much is down to the end results not living up to the theoretical numbers?

From what I can tell the speeds in the benchmarks put it down below both the iPhone 4S (which has the same theoretical numbers, but obviously different OS...) and the Galaxy S3 and even occasionally the One X and SGS2 all of which going by theoretical numbers it should utterly trounce...

Be nice if there were some reliable/decent benchmarks on Android through...
^ **** poor benchmarking. GLBenchmark 2.5 is the only half decent openGL ES 2.x test around, don't bother looking at anything else. (all iOS/Android games are openGL ES btw, the more complex ones use 2.x features like reflections etc)

It's worth waiting if you want a next gen openGL ES 3.0 or DX11 GPU though (see below :) Adreno 320 is also in this class btw)

FUUUUU! openGL ES 3.0 looks the dogs. Here comes the next gen chaps!! :D

You can bet your ass they were using Exynos 5 :cool:
This fake-ass pic was used for the S3 too :p

unbreakable........my ass! :p

Remember all the rumours/supposed specs. before the GS 3 was officially announced and then remember when it was announced, what it actually had/was? :p

Rumours where:

- ceramic back
- 1080P display
- screen to be using the RGB panel
- 12MP camera
- bendy/flexible screen
- google glasses :o :o :o :p
- waterproof

etc. etc.

My bet is still on it being more or less the same as the GS 3 (for GPU and CPU, camera, audio chip etc.) but a bigger screen with better res./ppi (possibly using RGB panel), bigger battery and 2GB RAM, the design will be pretty much the same, just like the note compared to the GS 2.
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