****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

So, I get my SGS II otmmorrow, what are the first things you reccommend I do with it? I was thinking:

  1. Update to KE7 right away.
  2. Do a hard reset and wipe to make it 1000% anally-retentive fresh
  3. Root
  4. Profit?


good chance it'll come with KE7 already - recieved mine from buymobiles on tuesday and it had it :) one less thing to worry about
Battery is much better since last night. Charged to 100%, factory reset, charged to 100% again and ran the battery calibrator from xda and unplugged. Currently sitting on 85% after 12.5 hours, lost 4% in the 10 hours from off charge to waking up this morning and checked twitter and facebook for 30 mins and sent a few txts. Much better!

Could you link to this please. I was getting better performance in KE1 and KE2 than KE7.
A strange low power problem happened with my GS2 today as well.

The brightness lowered by itself and the brightness option in settings was disabled. I had only just fitted a mirror screen protector so I figured it was because the mirror screen protector was covering the light sensor but it's back to normal now that I've charged it.

It's like the phone went into a low power mode yet I have all the power saving options disabled. :confused:

I've only had this replacement GS2 for a couple of days and my old one didn't have this problem so I'm thinking it could be a problem with the KE7 firmware as it's the only thing different.

I'm guessing Power Saving is enabled under Settings? I have turned this off as I rather manage it myself :)
I am now going to work... will try my hardest not to skip all the way there like a gayer at a prospect of finding an SGS II there. You don't even want to imagine a scenario where it doesn't come today. :p
I am now going to work... will try my hardest not to skip all the way there like a gayer at a prospect of finding an SGS II there. You don't even want to imagine a scenario where it doesn't come today. :p

Ha I am exactly the same lol. Should be coming today but as I am getting it delivered to home and I am at work for half the day I am probably going to have to wait till tomorrow :( I also got all excited yesturday as I had a DPD note waiting for me so thought awesome its come early but I think thats for something else I ordered :(
omg the ****** phone has been sitting in my office for the last 2 hours sitting under another box. Opening it now yaargghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Since I updated to KE7, I've encountered the rather unpleasant Android OS battery drain problem which has a large thread on XDA. I've loaded up Juice Defender and uninstalled Kies Air to see if that helps. I'm currently 20% battery used after 3 hours - without doing an awful lot. More testing required!
FU o2!!

dunno if anyone remember o2 posted my phone to the wrong addy? well i got it in the end, but today got an email from o2 saying "your replacement handset is on its way" and now they have blocked this one... by the imei - i have no mobile network....... SOB!

looks like i have some spares! - but clearly not good for today or the weekend!
Since I updated to KE7, I've encountered the rather unpleasant Android OS battery drain problem which has a large thread on XDA. I've loaded up Juice Defender and uninstalled Kies Air to see if that helps. I'm currently 20% battery used after 3 hours - without doing an awful lot. More testing required!

I had the same problem when i updated to KE7, have just gone back to KE2 to see if that helps.
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