****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

1. doing your bit for the environment

Lol! :p (Sorry)
2. preserving your battery life

Understandable, I suppose.

3. extending your phones life (theory) - ie the device/screen will have a life span

I don't think this would ever be an issue really.

4. Surely its not great to surround yourself with all those waves and signals 24/7

That is just rubbish the press have stirred up.

surely its makes sense that you should turn any electrical item off when your not using it? for me that would be around 11:45pm until 8am :D

Not when it is a communications device that is designed to be left on.
Hmm, Android OS is now using 40% too, up from 28% the other day. Wonder whats causing it.

Known 2.3.3 bug with all dual core phones. Seems a hit or miss if you have it or not.

Will be fixed in 2.3.4 apparently when that gets rolled out, which should be soon since Samfirware tweeted about it 2 days ago.

Huge thread on XDA about it.
I have had my SGS2 for about 24 hours now and I love it. My wife has decided that her next upgrade won't be a Blackberry after all :D

I have got to say, as a slightly techie non-smartphone user, it has been an interesting learning curve, which has been made easier with the help of everyone posting on this thread.

I am quite pleased with the battery life so far using stock KE2 firmware on O2. I am down to about 30% after many about 4 hours of Wifi, some 3G data, some short calls and texts and constant playing around with games and apps. I have had one of the live ice nebula wallpapers running since yesterday afternoon too.

My SE C510 barely makes it 48 hours between charges with basic text and call usage.

I will porbably spend a week or so getting used to the handset before I contemplate rooting it.

All I have to do now is fend off all the members of my family who have seen it :)
anyone else getting echo when people call them? it's not happening on my end but on theirs and it's for everyone that i speak to they say they hear themselves a few seconds after they say it and it's def cos of this phone.

Only if I put them on loudspeaker
Battery was down to 8% when I went to bed last night after some heavy usage late afternoon. I decided to run the battery down. I watched a whole spisode of Dr. Who on iPlayer via wifi and it still hadn't died. Not bad going.

28 hours seems to be the moderate usage figure for me. Heavier usage is more like 18-20 hour territory.
Well the screen has been on a total of an hour and a half (browsing mostly, sent about 20 texts) and I've taken about 11 photos (3 with the flash), so fairly light.
I would've thought at that level of signal it would switch, you can force it to switch I believe by going Settings -> Wireless and Network -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators (wait for it to search and then click Orange T-Mobile if it appears)

This worked an absolute treat. I've had a much better signal since doing that, thanks for the suggestion. :)
How do I go about adding Album art to song already on the phone?..have a few albums but its annoying now that the album arnt isnt on the big screen.

Tried to do it via Kies but the option to ad album art is greyed out and wont let me edit!
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