****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Just to add my own 2p here, I've been following a fair few ROMs recently since the betas and release versions of ICS. One of the best 'stock' feeling ROM I've found so far is the WanamLite ROMs.

I've pretty much doubled my battery life using this, I'm so impressed!
Installed O2 stock ICS last night. Now at just shy of 16 hours, and just hit 80% charge on the extended battery, including about 40 minutes of playing Color Link. I would have been around 65-70% with similar usage on 2.3.3. This is good battery life.
This phone is driving me insane. A single press of the home button opens Voice Command near enough every single time. I keep getting told it's double press and I must be pressing it twice, but I'm 100% sure I'm not.

Any way to get around this? Would flashing the phone with a new ROM cure it? I don't know anything about rooting or the advantages of doing so, but I'm open to anything to improve the handset and eliminate the annoying niggles.
If it's only being pressed once then you likely have moisture in the contact area of the button resulting in 2 presses when it's physically pressed once.
My girlfriend swears that her S2 does that as well, however it's never done it to me while I've used it. My man coloured one has never done it either.
Mine does this too. Really annoying, something I'm never going to use spoiling the phone. It doesn't do it every time though maybe 75% which almost makes it worse as I can't get used to it.
The worst thing is that when it happens and I open Task Manager to kill the process, once I'm done and press the home button, it does it again!

So would rooting/flashing with new ROM work?
You know those Play Store issues I have been having with paid apps not showing as paid and such like?

The moment I start using AppBrain and its Fast Web Installer, Google Play Store 3.5.15 magically starts working flawlessly and my missing paid apps that aren't installed seem to be tied to my account now and the "All" tab in my Apps no longer shows an RPC error.
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