****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Hmm... I tried to install ICS Domination over Hydrogen and now it just boot loops :(

/Face Palm... ICS Domination isn't designed for AOSP ROMs, lol.

Yeah installing a 95% ICS like theme on pure ICS....isn't going to work :p

Hydrogenics is working great for me. LPS modem too. Battery drain seems very good as well.

80% after 5hrs 20mins, that's with 1hr10mins screen on time. Hydro's kernel seems to utilise Speed ranges in 100MHz increments too unlike others which use 200MHz, looking at CPUSpy I can see that deep sleep is working and the used speeds scale from 200 to 1200 nicely too.

I did set governor to On Demand from lulzactive.
Only thing i dont like about Hydrogenics is the scrolling. If it was nice and smooth it'd be just about the perfect rom (that i've tried).
Where do I get this LPS modem from?

Yeah, the scrolling does annoy me a bit but the ROM looks so nice in comparison to Gingerbread.

Unfortunately my HTC_IME T9 capable keyboard no longer works so now I am on the hunt of another good T9 keyboard... any suggestions?
Swiftkey is the best IMO. the AOKP ICS keyboard is excellent too but Swiftkey predicts better.

Modem is in the modems thread on XDA. I downloaded it from someone's post.
I've got Hydrogenics ICS now installed, but how do I install the google apps? It came in a separate folder. The files are as follows
meta-inf folder
optional folder
system folder

Cheers, Hydrogenics page annoyingly didn't say anything about how to install the google apps.
Erm you just flash the zip from CWM immediately after flashing the ROM. You did download the gapps zip linked below the download link on the Hydro thread yep?
So far so good. Installed WanamLite XWLP4 v10.6 and all apps. No problems yet (touch wood).

Just done the same here on a fresh install after I arsed everything up. Had a few issues with apps not working but got round that by uninstalling and reinstalling. Just WanamLite XWLP4 v10.6, with the Samsung Apps installed too. Seems to be ok, I like the scrollable/customisable notification bar, very useful.

The new Domination is only for certain ROMS these ones to be specific: LPQ/S/2/3/4

Deodexed ROMs but if you follow the install notes you can put it on odexed as well.

I put on sensation ROM yesterday & everything seems to be running great, I have to say this is the second best theming on XDA after the domination theme no others look as professional imo.

Had a feeling this must have been the case, it wasn't clear in the thread which roms it was for, seems I found out the slightly harsh way of taking a plunge...
Erm you just flash the zip from CWM immediately after flashing the ROM. You did download the gapps zip linked below the download link on the Hydro thread yep?

Yes those are the ones I have. I guess it's too late now that Hydro is up and running? Without Google Play I can't get CWM.
Yes those are the ones I have. I guess it's too late now that Hydro is up and running? Without Google Play I can't get CWM.

You always have CWM. Boot into CWM (volume down + home + power) and flash the zip by choosing "choose zip from sd card" options.
Ah no, Qwerty layout only, I guess you meant this layout:


That's so 2002!
Same as me then! Got 3.2 and i like it the most!

Really is a nice ROM been impressed so far, I don't know why I held off in the GB era.

Only problem I've noticed is the torch, sometimes you have to press the icon twice for it to work or twice to turn it off. Sometimes when it is on the icon still thinks it is off also. Not a big problem though really.

Does anyone know if Three cap data speeds for mobiles that aren't iPhones? I've been shown a few speedtests by friends on Three with the 4S I get nothing like it on H+ with my sgs2.
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Really is a nice ROM been impressed so far, I don't know why I held off in the GB era.

Only problem I've noticed is the torch, sometimes you have to press the icon twice for it to work or twice to turn it off. Sometimes when it is on the icon still thinks it is off also. Not a big problem though really.

Does anyone know if Three cap data speeds for mobiles that aren't iPhones? I've been shown a few speedtests by friends on Three with the 4S I get nothing like it on H+ with my sgs2.

At least youcan customise the quickpanel :-) its a nice and smooth rom with a nice theme
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