****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Just rooted my s2, now this one won't switch on either. Just get the little yellow triangle and a black screen...

Any ideas? Can get into CWM5 and into download mode.

Edit: Ah right nevermind, have to play around with a few kernels. Sorry am new to this :)
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Sheesh, think I've bricked another one..

Anyone got any ideas where I'm going wrong!?

Pull battery on phone, put back in and the hold the Power button, volume up and bottom hardware button at the same time until just after you see the samsung logo appear on boot up.
TBH i had a problem where i couldnt get into the boot menu or download mode without the Jig
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Pull battery on phone, put back in and the hold the Power button, volume up and bottom hardware button at the same time until just after you see the samsung logo appear on boot up.
TBH i had a problem where i couldnt get into the boot menu or download mode without the Jig

That just takes me to CWM5
Downloaded Odin and three different Kernels to root. Plugged phone in, set kernel and start... it goes through fine. Phone reboots, get a little yellow triangle on the s2 splash screen and then nothing.

Basically: http://galaxys2root.com/galaxy-s2-root/how-to-root-galaxy-s2-i9100-icsandroid-4-0/ < That tutorial, I just get nothing after splash.


You just need to flash CF-Root to root, your ROM won't change at all. Once booted into your phone normally afterwards just flash a new ROM using CWM Recovery or leave as is if root is all you want.

No guides are needed for this and no other kernels are needed.

Re-flash cf-root using Odin with the phone in download mode.

You just need to flash CF-Root to root, your ROM won't change at all. Once booted into your phone normally afterwards just flash a new ROM using CWM Recovery or leave as is if root is all you want.

No guides are needed for this.

Re-flash cf-root using Odin with the phone in download mode.

I have no ROMs installed. I was rooting my phone ready for ROMs, CF-Root comes with CWM (luckily).

As the tutorial, I did all that through Odin, flashed it with CF-Root etc., the phone reboots itself and then just doesn't get past the samsung logo screen with the little yellow error triangle.

Re-flashed it about ten times, with three different version CF-root kernels.
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So if your phone has no ROM installed then just install a ROM using CWM recovery? You said above you can access it.
Even if I installed a ROM my phone doesn't get past the splash screen. It's not a faulty ROM or lack of any ROM that's causing the problem.

It's the rooting of the phone itself which has stopped it booting totally.

Exactly the same happened with the last one too.

Edit: When trying to install from internal SD I get "Error: Can't mount sdcard/update.zip" and same for anything I try in that vein.
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It probably is working then, just your boot animation isn't activating, how long have you left it on at the screen when attempting to boot?
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