****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

The official unbranded samsung rom, is showing absolutely amazing battery life.

With med-heavy usage, it lasted 24 hours easily.The next few days it will be light usage for me, it was charged up last night and it hasnt budged since. My samsung galaxy s used to eat power even when asleep!
Just installed the latest Hydrogen Rom from off the xda forum. Only ever had samsung based Rom before. CheckRom and Sensation (backed up) recently

How do i get my gmail account set up, so that my contacts, apps, and email all work. Also doesn't seem to be a market app. I normally just install apps from Titanium once installed from the market.
How do i get my gmail account set up, so that my contacts, apps, and email all work. Also doesn't seem to be a market app. I normally just install apps from Titanium once installed from the market.

Have you installed gapps ?

It contains Light Gapps. If you're missing some apps that are related to Google, go on and flash latest ICS Gapps. It has now the Galaxy S2 Settings, from CM9
They are all in 1 zip download (4th download link down from page one of the xda tread named "Gapps:")
Run it from CWM as you would flash a rom, reboot and you're good to go.

Thanks, i knew i'd probably missed something on the thread. Rolled back to Sensation 3.4 for now, as i couldn't access data either. Will have another play tonight when i've got a little more time.

Bah phone double post =]
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The voltages I'm using with Siyah kernel 3.1rc6 on Hydro. So far I've not had any freezes due to lack of enough voltage but will continue to monitor over the next day.

At work the phone is pushed hard I guess as I don't connect to WiFi so by the time I get home I have had the phone on HSDPA/3G for about 9 hours so even idle battery consumption is a little higher. The undervolting should come in handy. As it stands, I am usually left with 50% by the time I get home if I use the phone at work to check emails, message and play some multiplayer games, so around 2 hours screen on time.

That 200mhz Voltage is a bit high, wont it go any lower? i have no lockups at 825mv!
850 is the lowest. Will try that over the weekend!

So far though my battery consumption running all day on mobile network and being out to sea for a couple of hours sorting out a networking issue on a ship here's the lowdown:


Screen brightness is always manually set and every time I've been outdoors it's been set to 70%-100% Notice that Siyah RC6 is doing quite well at keeping the Mhz as low as possible, I've not noticed any negative effect either. Out at see the reception was perfect and I was able to pull 5.6Mb down and 3Mb up. 3's HSDPA coverage is immense!

Given the CPU Spy results in the last screen above, I will play with lowering the 500 and 200MHz voltages further to see what's stable as those 2 speeds are where I can save the most juice :)
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You could drop the maximum CPU frequency to 1000 MHz or lower. See if that gives you any noticeable extra juice?
I don't think the 8mins @ 1.2GHz for those 12~ hours would have made a difference at all at 1GHz though :p kernel efficiency seems to play a big part. rc6 has been a lot better than previous builds!
I've decided I want the Galaxy S2.

The iPhone is too gimicky and fragile, and the S3 will be expensive and too bulky for my needs.

Is it a bad idea to buy the S2 right now? I'm thinking the S3 could drive prices down, but that might take a few months??
I should think as soon as the S3 is out, Samsung will cut the price of the S2. I'd hold fire right now. And just to validate your decision to buy an S2, the Galaxy S2 is the only phone ive had, in 5 years, where I am thinking about continuing to use it once my contract is up. Most other phones ive spotted faults that really annoy me, found the phone noticeably slower than newer phones or find the features are dated, but the S2 is not like that at all. I never find myself waiting for it, it takes fantastic pictures, has all the latest tech and updates and is light and slim.
Same here really but three higher resolution screen is just the only missing thing that I'd be looking for on the S3.
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