I've already used Siyah, now using NEAK and will shortly try latest thoravukk 2.28 for a day.
For o2 probably use the modem that comes with o2's ICS ROM, LPR wasn't it.
Will LPR run ok on an 02 s2 running Checkrom v6 with Neak kernal?
I've already used Siyah, now using NEAK and will shortly try latest thoravukk 2.28 for a day.
For o2 probably use the modem that comes with o2's ICS ROM, LPR wasn't it.
Am I right in thinking you cannot install apps from play from modded roms?
Thanks in advance
Sorry to repeat but I've just installed the HyDrOG3N rom but there is no icon for Google play store or app store. Am I right in thinking you cannot install apps from play from modded roms?
Thanks in advance
Which ROMs have you tried?
I know it's a feature to save power, but it depends on if something is using it. I remember on my Galaxy S this was normal and you could set wifi not to sleep when the screen was off. Not sure on SGSII...
I also read about some kind of Wifi problem with the leaked samsung ICS roms. Not sure if that's resolved in the latest LP7 but it'd be worth reading the thread I linked above about that.
modem is ROM independent so yeah I don't see why not.
sensation rom
miui and v4
pure ics
im on sensation at the moment.. have tried hydrogenics not long ago and it was loosing signal too.. hmn..
Got to say, ICS looks great but what is going on with the battery life?!?!? Its atrocious!!!![]()
What rom modem and kernel combination are you using. Its not far off as good as GB for me.