***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

He probably bought the white... if not then his experience seems to be vastly different to everyone elses.

No, xibinim has an Xperia S and probably regrets getting it and not waiting for the S3. Understandable really given that the S3 is quite a bit better.
No, xibinim has an Xperia S and probably regrets getting it and not waiting for the S3. Understandable really given that the S3 is quite a bit better.

Ah I misunderstood, I thought he regretted buying an s3 :)
I'm going to stick with my pre order on the blue. I have next week off so it should fly by!
Those apps that run in the background when you open them, even after pressing the home button... anyone found a way to manually close them without having to go to Task/Application Manager?

According to the rep at the Sammy store, thats the only way i think. Hold the home button down until you get the list of apps running then either press remove all or press task manager...thats my experience from the S3 i played with today...i have to admit i prefer the HTC way of doing it ie on the One X theres a capacitive button to the right of the home key, press that and you get a slide of all the running apps, all you have to do then is slide your finger up on each app and it closes/shuts it down.
I've been trying to cause it to lag. I logged into my google account in the play store since I have purchased tons of apps (most during the android sale) and then I went for it - download install download install download install download install etc. so that I am literally downloading and installing 20 or so apps all whilst whizzing through the store searching for other apps. It is making mince meat out of everything. I should have done the above whilst playing a video minimised in the corner. :p
Any easy root options yet?
Noticed someone has made a de-bloat remover to remove all the unwanted apps, personally im going to stick with it standard for a while then when jellybean comes out but a decent version of that on.
So where can I buy this SIM free at the moment? I see Play are saying their stock is being released tomorrow, but I'm not sure how much I can trust that.
Has anyone been able to confirm that Voda are doing the 32gb for £515 in the shops, if so is it restricted to white and will it be bloat branded, my o2 Note wasn't even locked let alone anything else.
Oh well, thats me cheered up, saw a white demo unit in the voda shop, no way could I get white, hated it, so I guess Im just going to have to be patient now, not one of my strongest virtues
Has anyone been able to confirm that Voda are doing the 32gb for £515 in the shops, if so is it restricted to white and will it be bloat branded, my o2 Note wasn't even locked let alone anything else.

No it was never on PAYG :(

So far no response. I'll post when I hear anything.

Ta, so many posts here not sure if I missed anything :)
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