***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

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I've found the back cover is a finger print magnet but the screen itself attracts very few prints/smudges (especially compared to the S2). This is good, for me anyway, as the back is rarely touched as I use the hard case.
That was me, your pics were the best that I had seen so I thought the thread needed them.

Mrk is fine about your use of his pictures, Apple however are furious, have declared thermonuclear war and 3000 lawyers have been hired to sue your ass for posting a picture a concept patented by them in the 80's!!
Really annoyed - only had the phone ~11 days and already I have nearly 10 small scratches on the screen.. its always in my pocket with no other items in it. My s2 took a year of much worse abuse and only had 1 scratch at the end.
Really annoyed - only had the phone ~11 days and already I have nearly 10 small scratches on the screen.. its always in my pocket with no other items in it. My s2 took a year of much worse abuse and only had 1 scratch at the end.

No screen protector, no sympathy. :p
Had mine in my pocket for a couple of days, no screen protector atm but no scratches. Then again I wrap it in microfiber cloth :P
WTF indeed! That doesn't make sense!

Here you go, so you know I'm not BSing ....


Well I rang them this morning and the guy was really helpful. He didn't know what went wrong, but anyway he did the whole order over the phone and I now have my shipping email too. Tomorrow will be a fun day!

Really annoyed - only had the phone ~11 days and already I have nearly 10 small scratches on the screen.. its always in my pocket with no other items in it. My s2 took a year of much worse abuse and only had 1 scratch at the end.

possibly if you get a decent screen protector it may cover those scratches so you cant seem them with it fitted :)
it's designed for humans:

Excellent! It should be great for porn then, humans love that stuff:cool:

Funny, sad story, my mates dying from a degenerative incurable illness, for a short while last week no kids or carers were about so I had to scrabble about inside the box of his divan bed getting 2 bin bags of vids and mags to throw out covertly, I aked him as I shoved sh!t in bags "have you heard of the internet".
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Never liked using them, so never really bothered before :(

No Commercials, No Mercy!

Ordered some now hopefully I can grow to accept having one!

Get some (pack of 8 costs around £3.50) off of Ebay from a UK seller... I did and just applied one to my mates SIII and you can't tell its there, it is clear, smooth, and 100% bubble-free (never understood the fuss with applying them, its easy peasy if youre careful). After a few months it will likely start to wear, and then you can simply replace it with another one. Voila, screen stays fresh as a daisy.
Get some (pack of 8 costs around £3.50) off of Ebay from a UK seller... I did and just applied one to my mates SIII and you can't tell its there, it is clear, smooth, and 100% bubble-free (never understood the fuss with applying them, its easy peasy if youre careful). After a few months it will likely start to wear, and then you can simply replace it with another one. Voila, screen stays fresh as a daisy.

I use pouches rather than cases for my mobiles and have never used protectors, they never apply as invisibly as marketing or others claim. are some built better than others?

Despite never using them my old HD2 has not a single mark after 4 years of use with a pouch.
If you don't use a screen protector then don't be surprised if you get scratches! :p

Doesn't matter even if you do put it in a pocket with nothing else etc. as it only takes one piece of grid etc. to scratch the glass. I suppose it depends on what sort of work you do and how clean your pockets are at the end of the day though :p

Although I thought the the GS 3 was using some new gorilla glass that was suppose to be much tougher? Guess not........... :p

As for which screen protector to apply/get, I was going to buy a martin fields (£13) but was waiting for stock for quite a while and there was no word as to when they would be in stock so just went for the official HTC screen protector (£3) for my S as a temporary solution till the MF came into stock, however, once the HTC one was applied, I was very impressed with it, honestly don't notice any difference whatsoever with it on or off, the only thing is that grubby/finger marks show up more easily and require more than just a quick wipe to get rid of them fully and the screen doesn't feel as nice to touch especially when your finger tips are a wee bit sticky! Needless to say I cancelled the MF's order:

You can see my mini review of the HTC screen protector here so as to try and give you an idea of just how little it really does impact the screen colours etc. when properly applied:


The best way to apply screen protectors is after you or someone else has had a nice long hot shower and kept the door closed as the steam works wonders with dust :D :p

Honestly don't think the MF are worth it all for that sort of price........
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I use pouches rather than cases for my mobiles and have never used protectors, they never apply as invisibly as marketing or others claim. are some built better than others?

I can't speak of the marketing, just my experience of installing many cheap ones. if you buy a regular clear one like the one I just installed then you can barely tell its there. It doesnt affect operation or viewing in any noticeable way.
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