***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Also, I think I know why Samsung are being slow with the Jelly Bean update - the battery life just isn't great at the minute.


For me, that's some of the best battery life I've had from an Android. This is LI5, the latest JB leak.
Has anyone noticed the battery going to pot recently? had my phone since launch and i used to get about 3 days out of a charge, now barely 24 hours... time for a new battery?

I don't know how you got 3 days previously, but even 24 hours is pretty good. If you've been installing stuff over time, maybe look at which ones of those have services running.

Install BetterBatteryStats and post a pic of your top 'Partial wakelocks' for us to see perhaps.

Also, I'd be amazed if you've managed to ruin a battery in only a few months.
Rash - I have Wifi, GPS and Mobile Data on all the time. My brightness is set to around 40% which I find just right and I get excellent battery life, which for me means it lasts all day. Give the battery a few full charges and it should be good.

The network has probably bloated the phone with all sorts of rubbish if it's a bit sluggish but it's probably best now to just wait for the official JellyBean update which should be just around the corner. I've got a basic root guide if you do decide to root, it takes about a minute BUT if you root it Sky Go won't work so decide depending on whether or not you intend to use that app.
I don't know how you got 3 days previously, but even 24 hours is pretty good. If you've been installing stuff over time, maybe look at which ones of those have services running.

Install BetterBatteryStats and post a pic of your top 'Partial wakelocks' for us to see perhaps.

Also, I'd be amazed if you've managed to ruin a battery in only a few months.

Ok i will install that and update when i have time to

Thanks :)

Just thought I'd post my battery on wanamlite 3.3
Didn't install the Facebook app this time as I think it was causing issues for me. Quite happy with this. Can get 2 days without charge. Screen on is 1hr. All data off overnight but auto on at 7:30

Signal at my work is very poor so can make battery worse

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Look at all of that awake time! It's Google Now isn't it?

Doesn't look like it. Google+ keeps it awake mainly it would appear.

Tbh, if my phone isn't waking up reasonably often, what on earth is it doing?!?! It should be keeping an eye on things for me ;)
Just thought I'd post my battery on wanamlite 3.3
Didn't install the Facebook app this time as I think it was causing issues for me. Quite happy with this. Can get 2 days without charge. Screen on is 1hr. All data off overnight but auto on at 7:30

As I said, the S3 will give you 4-ish hours of screen on time. You had 1 hour and 25% used = 4 hours for 100%. Out of the tons of battery stats I have seen on the S3, they all seem to show about 4 hours of screen on time irrespective of how long they have been off charge (within reason, you'll get some smart arse who will put it on standby for 4 days or something with 2 hours screen time at 10% left....)
Really wasn't impressed with XXDLI5. Was using Revolution HD9. Was so slow and buggy, so much so that I think something was wrong with my install. Did a full wipe though so I'm not sure. Back on ICS for now :)
I've finally FINALLY!!! got my S3 and I seem to have a little issue with it...

Can everyone (there's optimism for you!) download the app "Screen Test", run it and on the second test screen (dark screen) can you tell me if you've got any dark artefacts scattered around your screen? I noticed it when browsing XDA on Tapatalk, my other half's phone has a couple of little black dots, but mine has quite a lot... I can't screenshot it because the screenshots show perfectly fine on the computer - so it's definitely in the screen itself.

None of the tests show any dead pixels, but it's strange how these areas are a lot darker than the rest!

Is this an issue I should raise with 3? or is this 'normal' for the amoled screen to have areas of differing darkness?

It's not an issue I can see in any form of lit situation, but when browsing in bed in the dark, it stands out quite a lot - I did wonder if I was imagining it lol
Really wasn't impressed with XXDLI5. Was using Revolution HD9. Was so slow and buggy, so much so that I think something was wrong with my install. Did a full wipe though so I'm not sure. Back on ICS for now :)

I'm on the latest rev and it started hanging whilst in whatsapp last night had to restart the handset

Any recommendations for a nice smooth polished firmware please

Link would be handy too :D


ive had Wanalite ICS 2,3 on for some time now, very stable

this morning went to use the Ebay app and it said this version no longer supported and to update

so i update and realise ebay have pulled v2 of their app and replaced it with 1.8 again

anyway, now my s3 boots up fine but freezes every time

tried to boot up without the micro sd, same

tried clearing cache and dalvik, same

tried flashing same ROM on top without full data wipe via CWM. same

so i guess my only option is to full data wipe?
Rash - I have Wifi, GPS and Mobile Data on all the time. My brightness is set to around 40% which I find just right and I get excellent battery life, which for me means it lasts all day. Give the battery a few full charges and it should be good.

The network has probably bloated the phone with all sorts of rubbish if it's a bit sluggish but it's probably best now to just wait for the official JellyBean update which should be just around the corner. I've got a basic root guide if you do decide to root, it takes about a minute BUT if you root it Sky Go won't work so decide depending on whether or not you intend to use that app.

Have you rooted yours? What ROM are you using? I've fully charged mine and rebooted straight away as of 7:30am. Will see how long the battery lasts, I'm not going to fiddle with the phone or in face use it unless someone texts/calls me. I've got WiFi on aswell.
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