***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Samsung's calendar is awful IMO. Contacts is... okay... but for me the camera is the only thing they've really improved. The rest I prefer stock Android and I install stock versions where possible.

In terms of the features you have with it, it is much better than stock calendar, but yeah the colour scheme and layout, is terrible :o

Stock android apps are good with regards to the layout, but the problem I find with them is they are just too limited for features like the dailer, SMS, video player/gallery etc.
I'm currently downloading an official Firmware update via Kies...... ;) I see no reason why this won't be JellyBean - it's highly unlikely that they'd release an ICS update at this stage, right?

Ok, finished updating - details are:

It's definitely still ICS(4.0.4) :'( but it's got the jellybean notification panel... small mercies eh?

Nothing for mine, thats odd.

PDA:LG8/Phone:LH1/CSC:LG8 still showing.
Oh bugger, the coating on the home button has starting to come off. Samsung and its cheap materials, half temped to jump back to iPhone 5.
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I've been going back and forth between Cyanogenmod 10 and Supernexus this morning.

I prefer Cyanogenmod but for some reason when its installed my data speed is so slow it's almost impossible to download anything.

This doesn't happen with Supernexus!
I've been going back and forth between Cyanogenmod 10 and Supernexus this morning.

I prefer Cyanogenmod but for some reason when its installed my data speed is so slow it's almost impossible to download anything.

This doesn't happen with Supernexus!

Did you do a full wipe and install for CM10? Shouldn't need to but is always the first port of call for solving a problem.

Mine is absolutely fine, both on Wi-Fi and on 3G.
Still extremely slow, I've got the HSDPA symbol next to my signal strength but it takes an absolute age to even load google homepage. Doesn't happen with Supernexus! Any other ideas? :(

Further to this my whole signal bar is grey, unlike the usual blue :/.

Speedtest- 243kpbs
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Grey signal bars mean that the phone is connected ti Google's servers, but is still getting a data connection.

You getting 3G/H/H+? How about radios? Might be worth flashing a different radio.
It goes between 3G and H but no noticeable different in speed.

Can you recommend a radio? I think it strange that Supernexus works fine but this doesn't, unless it changes radio?
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I decided to 'Encrypt Device' earlier and everything went fine, the phone rebooted and started the encryption process, completed without a problem. It restarted again and boots up like normal until I'm prompted to put my encryption password in. I enter my password and from there the phone doesn't do anything. I'm stuck with the green encryption android picture and that's it. The phone is completely unresponsive. It's been like this for a couple hours.

I tried to go into recovery mode and factory reset but it doesn't allow me to wipe 'data' because it's been encrypted. I dunno what I'm supposed to do now, any ideas?
Nothing for mine, thats odd.

PDA:LG8/Phone:LH1/CSC:LG8 still showing.

My girlfriend woke me up at ~6 because the OTA update system had downloaded a firmware update but it couldn't be installed (didn't like CWM recovery I think...)

so I plugged hers and then mine in to the computer and kies updated us both... strange that you don't have an update... maybe it's carrier specific - we're on 3, what are you on?

On a different note, anyone else on here using Swype having issues where if you try to tap in front of a letter in the middle of a word, the cursor jumps back to the start of that word?? I've had it for a few days now and it's slowly driving me insane!! Nearly tempted to use the built-in "swype" on the stock keyboard it's that annoying!
I get a repeated 'Geolocation Problem - location does not exist' in my notifications bar - does anyone else suffer from this? i think it's todo with the standard weather app on the home screen.
My partners GS3 from T-Mobile has a symbol of an N with what looks like a wifi symbol in the bottom left. Anyone know what this is?
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