1: Flash Wanamlite 4.0/4.1 (5.2 now)
2: Flash Stock toggles (linked in Wanam thread)
3: Flash JB Domination 1.3.5 or whatever the latest is to get stock JB look and feel
4: Flash the JB Domination addon, 15 toggles
Does that stock toggles you mention above also mean the toggles scroll to the left when you bring the notification bar down? Really annoys me that does lol
4.1.2 arrived this morning:
Are you trying to restore from a custom recovery or the standard Samsung one?
Does anyone know how to schedule nandroid backups?
What network are you on?
What network are you on?
Onto the 4th custom rom of the week.. crDroid 8.2!
Liking it so far. 1gb download, but has so many options in Aroma installer including JB Domination. Made everything easy.
Trying to restore using cwm touch, same version I created the backup with
(good luck getting cyanogenmod with stock Samsung recovery)
We need Samsung to release the 4.1.2 update for the S3 LTE. I wonder how long it will take?
Stoosh - now that I'm rooted (still on stock recovery) where does that leave me on OTA/kies updates?