Good to see that one biggish mobile news site has finally got an article posted on the sudden death issue stoosh, shouldn't be long till gsmarena, android central etc. pick up on it now and do the same, Samsung will have no other option but to respond and if they don't well, that will say a lot about them!
It is good to see indeed! There's been a steady increase users on here who have been complaining about the issue and it's about time that these websites start to report on the problem.
Slashgear have now picked up on the story, it's basically the same as the one on phonearena.
Momentum is slowly gathering pace surely exposure will force Samsung's hand into making a statement.
I picked up my N4 the other day but I've yet to set it up as I've been extremely busy at work and won't be able to until Christmas Eve.
First impressions though the phone is built very well and despite my reservations about the LCD screen it's actually very good!
The phone is extremely fast and I've uploaded 20Gb worth of music onto the Google Music cloud player so that should solve the issue of the fixed 16Gb memory.
I'll see how it goes with the N4 but if I like it, the S3 LTE might have to be sold off, as many people are saying that by Samsung actually replacing the motherboard it's deferring the issue for another 6 months as there are no hardware revisions on the motherboard and there's a chance that S3's can be prone to the same problem again.

@kona786 No worries Mate. I was catching up on the Note 2 thread, are you buying a Note 2 next?
How are you finding the N4? Do you like it?