***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Might have to :p Tesco is still open but I've got a feeling i'll be paying over a fiver for a cable :/

If you can get into Recovery mode and factory reset your problem will be solved. It happened to me and I wiped data and it no longer hanged at the Samsung logo, you'll save yourself a fiver in the process
I can't get into recovery, that's the problem. The only thing I can do is download mode, which is useless without a cable.
Recovery mode does not work, and yes I do have an SD card.

Unfortunately the SD card is only useful if you could have got into recovery :(.

I'd just go around Tesco, it's only a fiver :).

What happens when you try and get into recovery btw? I just put CWM onto my new note for the first time and I held the buttons slightly too long and recovery just flashed for abour 2 tenths of a second before rebooting normally. I had to hold it much longer on my S2, so if the S3 is the same make sure you're not holding it too long, you have to let go as soon as the screen turns on (I realise this may be really obvious, if so just ignore :)).
Not really sure what's happened to be honest. Flashed CWM like normal and after the reboot the phone just failed to turn on. Every time I try and get into recovery it just hangs on the Samsung i9300 splash screen. Download mode loads instantly so I think the recovery is corrupt :(
I just had that on my note 2 just after posting!

It's took me about 7 tries to get into recovery mode, one time I held too long and it appeared for 0.1seconds before rebooting, the others it just got stuck on the screen before boot animation.

Kept pulling battery and then holding for recovery for different amounts of time, and it finally worked. Held for about 1.5-2 seconds after screen on if that's any use :p.

Now hopefully my phone will work after a dalvik/cache wipe and reflash :p.
i'm now running on the new crdroid and i find it a lot more stable and usefull than wanamalite. i'm sure i can also have more apps on the screen at one time (am i imagining this ? )

it seems stable

i have got an unreleated question though which would be very much appreciated if it can be answer lol

does anyone know of an app that sync facebook profile photos with my phone contact list but the photos remain a high quality. it seems the ones i try downgrade the quality of the pics

Facebook Contact Sync
Lol :(. I really need to buy a longer cable, the one I got with my charger (it's one of those plugs with a USB cable that plugs into it) is like a metre or less too, the only place I can charge my phone is next to my bed as it's so short, and the plug whines like **** :(.

Doesn't the S3 come with one of those pligs now that I think about it? Or are you using a different charger?
S3 comes with a one piece plug and a data cable. I'll probably pick up a few decent length ones on ebay next week though :)
Yep up and running again :p Lesson learnt. Don't mess around with kernels and recoveries without having a usb cable spare.

All of that just to reflash a recovery.
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