***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

I have been running cyanogen for a few days now and I have found it really buggy. Chrome in particular almost needs to be restarted every time.

I've been using temeseks 10.1 builds for about a week now, and it's been almost flawless. Only downside is the camera can be a bit buggy but it's like that on CM10 too.

I'm not using Chrome again to be honest, it crashed constantly on Touchwiz too :o
The weirdest thing has started happening on mine.
When I receive a text message it automatically creates a new thread and when I reply it'll put the message in the original thread.

So say I have a 100 long thread with Person X
I text them it'll go to 101, they reply thread 1 has 101 and thread 2 has 1.

It's happening on Chomp SMS and the standard one.

I'm running CRDroid if that makes a difference

Turns out it's an issue with CR Droid, getting rid of that ASAP. Back to Wanam I think!
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Oh, it's just a replacement SMS app you could have chosen during the aroma install. Apparently the issue is with that.. but I guess not.

Although I seem to remember reading that the threading issue was in other Samsung roms too?
Ah crap, well I'll try running Wanam for a while and see if it happens.
I was fairly happy with CR Droid but that was just a major "oh no no".
Ah crap, well I'll try running Wanam for a while and see if it happens.
I was fairly happy with CR Droid but that was just a major "oh no no".

I was getting that bug when I chose the stock SMS app instead of the samsung one in the install process.

I just reflashed it but chose the samsung SMS instead and now its fine.
Using Temaseks builds (thanks to Benjo) for a week now and it is brilliantly stable, although I haven't checked out the camera just yet. Well stable enough to be my daily driver with great battery life.
Hah yeah I have. On a kang of CM10.1 now. Started to get a bit fed up with the clunkyness of Touchwiz themed with Domination.
Hmm got an OS upgrade this morning on Three. Anyone else get one? Android version is 4.1.2 but can't remember what was there before.
Hmm got an OS upgrade this morning on Three. Anyone else get one? Android version is 4.1.2 but can't remember what was there before.

Most probably this (21.38MB):


The Exynos 4 vulnerability fix for 4.1.2 which came out last week.
Hah yeah I have. On a kang of CM10.1 now. Started to get a bit fed up with the clunkyness of Touchwiz themed with Domination.
I keep forgetting to ask you. Are your ringtone volume levels rather low with Temasek's 10.1? I haven't investigated why just yet, but only realised this weekend that mine was quite low when the phone rang. I mostly have mine on silent/vibrate. Other then that, I wubs the rom.
I noticed the ringer level was low when I was using CM10.1, it was that that caused me to flash back to a Sammy based ROM - I missed three calls with my phone on full volume - that's just stupid IMHO

Anyone know of any apps that can boost the ringer volume? That could seriously tempt me back to 10.1!

Incidentally, Temasek's builds are non-multi user right? so your app/game data doesn't get stuffed into a "0" folder? Thus, NOT causing chaos with previously installed apps/games??
My ringtones are pretty loud, never really noticed it being too quiet. Although I don't get many phone calls :p I guess you could wait until Siyah Kernel or Perseus properly support 10.1 and then use STweaks to boost the volume.

As for the "0" folder, I think all 4.2 roms do this regardless of whether multiuser support is there. All I did before I flashed was transfer my whole SD card contents to my external SD card, installed Temaseks rom and then transferred it all back to the "0" folder.
Know what you mean regarding volume. I was looking on the appstore and there are several volume apps but I don't know how good they are just yet. CM10 definately didn't have that problem.

Temasek's builds don't seem to be multiuser to me. I don't have the /0 folder or /Legacy folder that I noticed with the official CM10.1 builds.
Open CM File Manager and click the bookmark button at the bottom. Internal Storage should be under /storage/emulated/0 :)

There's probably a flashable zip to boost your volume. I'll have a look later, off to work now :)
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