***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Has anyone noticed the fading notification LED on the latest Yank555? Its not working on mine and wondered if it was for anyone else.

I really can't fault wanam and the yank kernel (on power settings), battery life is amazing, it's really fast and sooo smooth. I tried a couple of other roms with the same kernel the last couple of days but i keep coming back for more of this wanank555 :D
That was one of the ones i tried. Still didn't seem quite as smooth though, i'll try it again today. Do you guys run it with JB Dom?

Edit: Just got Sotmax on after a wipe. Flash before 9, this must be bad.. Anyway, the page transition are kinda messed up. it seem to be cutting out half of the scroll animation. In the app drawer too. I did install JB Dom 1.6 so maybe thats the culprit.

Edit 2: Wierd, re-installed rom and mods ( the same order) but started up the phone inbetween them all and this time it works fine... will try this for a bit.

Also, has anyone had a a problem with the yank555 kernel suddenly becoming unverified on installation, when there were no problems before?
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I've got the SMS bug, where texts start new threads rather than adding to the existing one. Is there a fix for this as it's really getting on my nerves now?

I'm using ChompSMS, on the latest crDroid ROM.
It's the S3 pebble blue most likely. I've spotted the deal on HDUK. IMO 500mb wont last you long. I don't use the internet all that much and I seem to top 500mb within 2 weeks with this phone.
Getting my s3 on tuesday weather allowing already know what case and dock i'm getting but always like to have a couple of spare batteries. What spare batteries are you using are you sticking with Samsung's official one's or third party one's only condition is it has to be same size as stock battery don't want the extended one's.
Is there a nack for getting films transferred to another S3 via nfc/sbeam or should it work all the time?

There's 4 people at work who Ive tried to send films to with the above method and most of the time it fails. It can be 10% into the transfer or 100% (was just about to finalise and then failed). Ive tried a gap of a few mm's to a few inches and its always the same. :confused:

Makes me very :(
Also is there a certain kernel people have found to be best having used the aosp jellybean ROM on my s1 will probably go with his s3 version unless any of you know of better ones. I have always used Odin to do the kernel is that still the way or is there something new. Look forward to hearing from you experienced people I tend to find a kernel and ROM I am happy with and stick with it not as adventurous as some of you :-).
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