I decided to make the switch from the iphone 8 plus. My experience hasn't been great so far.
The battery life seems terrible. 4 hours of SOT from 100% - 8% battery. I would get double on my 8 plus. I have my brightness set to about 30% (lower than default). I had it on the optimised power plan until lunch then swapped to medium power saving. I used my phone as much as I did my old phone. No games, no videos just whatsapp and a maybe 15 mins of reddit. I would normally go to bed with about 60% battery on my 8 plus. The reason battery is so important to me is that I use it as my blood sugar tester (diabetic) and if I'm not able to get to a charger I could be in trouble.
The finger print scanner is pretty terrible compared to the 8 plus (although I understand it's new technology).
When connecting to the bluetooth in my car, it will connect for phone calls but not for music audio. I cannot turn it on (it toggles back off on its own) unless I turn bluetooth on and off.
I can deal with the bottom 2 issues but not the battery life. Three are going to send me a replacement but is this normal for an s10?
I'll have a week with the replacement before I can cancel my contract. Other than the issues above I really like the phone but I'll have to cancel my contract if the replacement doesn't resolve the above issues.