Thanks for all the suggestions regarding cases and the detailed.information regarding the various manufacturers. Ive quite a bit of research to do but will definitely find something from those ideas.
I bought a couple of Spigen cases for my kids IPhone SEs and didn't think they were all that impressive. I
I had a Gear 4 3DO case for my S7 and it was v good for a year or so before the outer covering began to split n fray. I couldn't find any cases from them yet for the S10 but may be early days.
I bought a couple of Spigen cases for my kids IPhone SEs and didn't think they were all that impressive. I
I had a Gear 4 3DO case for my S7 and it was v good for a year or so before the outer covering began to split n fray. I couldn't find any cases from them yet for the S10 but may be early days.