You sound like a school kid who's just been asked to justify why Justin Bieber is better than the Beatles..."You just don't understand, he just is"
Like I said I understand that the notion of aluminium/glass coating = more premium exists, I'm asking for a rational explanation for it.
My Coke example wasn't an analogy, I was talking about aluminium, you know like they make tin cans out of? I was merely pointing out that it's a really cheap material available in abundance. It's so cheap that the cheaper 330ml drinks come in it, whilst at larger sizes you're more likely to get plastic. Now shouldn't that be the other way around if aluminium is the more expensive..I mean 'premium' material?
I can understand premium when it's reflected by price, I can understand why a phone made out of gold would be more premium than one made out of tin, or why one made out of plastic would be more expensive than one made out of paper mache. What I don't understand, or rather can't explain with logic, is why when it comes to phones and laptops there's this faux set of rules people seem to abide by which is neither based on price of the material or it's characteristics.