*** The Official Samsung Galaxy S4 Thread ***

Wondering why Samsung has clocked the Exynos at 1.6 ghz and the snapdragon 600 at 1.9ghz. Probably to get parity between the two chips.

My impression is that they will be equal for performance and that the Exynos needs need the A7 quad especially during idle to compete with the efficient snapdragon s4?

They are not equal in performance, as such. The Exynos is in theory much faster, however it needs more power to get that peformance. The A7's are there for when this performance is not needed as they are extremely efficient.

However the Exynos is limited due to it not being able to sustain maximium performance for more than a few seconds due to the lack of heat dissipation in the small phone case, plus the fact it uses a crap ton of power. While the Snapdragon also suffers from this, the Exynos uses more power, as said above, so it's more limited.

The end result is similar average performance, but the Exynos should be more efficient overall due to the A7's.

In the real world you will probably not notice the difference in performance or efficiency.
Man alive drop it, this sort of thing is practically pointless in pcs. In phones it's irrelevant plus the uk is getting both models to cover all our current and forthcoming lte bands so you'll be able to buy whichever one you like.

End of discussion!
Man alive drop it, this sort of thing is practically pointless in pcs. In phones it's irrelevant plus the uk is getting both models to cover all our current and forthcoming lte bands so you'll be able to buy whichever one you like.

End of discussion!

Yeah but it might not run Crysis!
The whole argument is so stupid its hard to believe it lasted this long.. why do people buy HTC one then if the 600 snapie is so bad compared to exynos? Both chips are more that powerful enough to run everything! Cmon my s2 runs everything and it is 2 generations behind!
Man alive drop it, this sort of thing is practically pointless in pcs. In phones it's irrelevant plus the uk is getting both models to cover all our current and forthcoming lte bands so you'll be able to buy whichever one you like.

End of discussion!

The whole argument is so stupid its hard to believe it lasted this long.. why do people buy HTC one then if the 600 snapie is so bad compared to exynos? Both chips are more that powerful enough to run everything! Cmon my s2 runs everything and it is 2 generations behind!

Um you do realize Bloomfield and I ceased this debate about 20 posts ago.
So Air View looks basically the same as how the S-Pen works on the Note 2 (it's called the same thing, so hardly surprising :p), I'm guessing they have no plans to make it work like mouseovers in the browser?

That's the only thing I miss browserwise, being able to mouse over thread titles and stuff to get a preview of the OP so I can decide whether to read the thread or not :(.
Personally I think Airview is underrated, had this appeared on an Apple it would have been blown up to be the best thing since sliced bread.

I think touchless gestures are the future of smartphones, I imagine Xbox Kinnect style technology being put in them in the future and airview can be seen as that first evolutionary step. imagine being able to rotate a map by simply stirring your finger around over the device rather than that awkward thing you have to do right now where you put your index and middle finger on it and twist your fingers round in unnatural positions.
I've never been a fan of gestures (main reason I think BBX looks horrible), I don't think I use any of the gestures on my Note 2 atm (other than pinch to zoom).

For answering a call with wet hands I just press the Home button :p.
You peeps with Samsung phones do know you can train the phone to answer calls by simply saying a word that you program in right? :p None of this waving to answer stuff!
You peeps with Samsung phones do know you can train the phone to answer calls by simply saying a word that you program in right? :p None of this waving to answer stuff!

Yeah but I find talking to my phone..well a bit weird. That's why things like Siri and the Android equivalents have never grabbed me. Don't get me wrong I see the practical benefits of it, I just find physically talking to a piece of technology awkward.

Not to mention they only work under conditions where your voice is the only or clearly most audible sound, so useless in a nightclub or at a party for example, and equally as useless in the opposite scenario where you must remain silent (meeting, library etc)
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But in all thos esituations answering a phone would be pointless anyway and in a meeting/library you'd have the phone on silent anyway or off so as not to disturb others. Vibrate mode is just an audible buzzing sound that can be annoying especially when people slap their phones in meetings on the desk and it vibrates louder than a ringtone itself!
Pressing the home button ;).

I don't know if you were talking to me or not mrk, but I can still answer a call when it's too noisy for voice commands to work properly and then leave the room to go somewhere quieter :).
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