Vuvuzela, it has been ages. My illness has gone. Should be good to fly this week. In this week's PC Pilot magazine it talked of the Short Field Package for the 737. The iFly has this too. So I put that config on my 736 and was trying that out.
I also took my Legacy VFR from Exeter to Bristol on Monday just to keep my 'skills' up.
Also there's 'Airplane Repo' on Sky somewhere which is a good watch.
oneale90, you'll need a headset mic, Gamespy a/c, Vatsim a/c, FSX with SP2 and Mumble voice client.
As and when you see from these forums, we'll meet on Mumble and then decide what we're doing in FSX and if we're using Vatsim or Gamespy to do it.
Vatsim makes things easier to get online with multiplayer with real world ATC, but you've got to be sensible and play by their rules.
Gamespy, you can prat about.
No matter what skill level you're at, it's a great place to ask questions, learn something new and build up confidence to fly some real world procedures online.
We've taken Cessnas on a short flight from Cardiff to do circuits at Bristol.
We've flown from Aldergrove, Belfast to LeedsBradford in the ATR 72-500.
We've taken our 737s on many a domestic flight.
We've also worked out how to share cockpits to lighten the workload.