The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

How do you chaps navigate when flying VFR? Do you have a copy of VFR charts? I don't have much photoreal scenery so 'proper' VFR with no GPS is rather tricky!

Nearly at Stornoway.
Good times!

So much to learn! My days of VFR in 'MS Flight' were slightly easier..
Xbox pad makes my movements pretty severe.. Also I think choosing the glass cockpit got me in more trouble, kept getting trapped in the menus.. and even with the autopilot on the Baron kept trying to go vertical I was reading websites.. Oh and the FSX crash.. Think that about covers the excuses...

Would definitely be interested in more of the same, and also interested in a 737 flight, but I'm not sure I could manage my PMDG and try the ATC stuff at the same time though.

Thanks for all the pointers and links. Even just listening to what you guys were doing was helpful. But yeah, very daunting when there's 4 very experienced people on. But I'd recommend anyone who's used FSX for more than 5 minutes to join these guys next time.
Here's a few screenshots, I forgot to take any most of the time. They don't look great but there you go.. I have to run in windowed mode as things tend to crash more for me on win7.. And even then it's not perfect. One other thing.. A second screen must be really useful for this too.


^ The route. I did a planned 360 at the end of the 2nd leg as I wanted to be last getting to that controlled airspace :p But I scared him off anyway..


^ About to turn for final..


^ On final. The PAPI lights were wrong, I swear.


^ Fashionably late to the C172 party...
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That was good fun chaps - really enjoyed it.

I might be on later tonight if anyone is about.

Plan-G is now sorted on my second machine. Vuvu, I just was missing the box where you enter the IP/port under simconnect. I'll have to read the manual to find out what all the tool can offer. It looks really good though.

Definitely will be up for going a blast in the NGX some evening.
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