Well my lovely other half got me a set of Saitek combat rudder pedals for Christmas so that is adding a whole new dimension to FSX for me. It is take a little getting used to moving my feet rather than twisting the joystick. I'm also not that great on the brakes still either.
Now I need to purchase that headset (that was on my Christmas list too so had to wait to see what I got) and then I can look into joining you chaps at times for a flight. I know some of the lingo as I was a member of Deer Valley Flying club for several years, still am I think, if my login still works. I just struggle to keep up with what the traffic controllers are saying, they speak so fast.
Currently I'm enjoying a VFR flight in Canada though I can see sweet F A at the moment. It is getting worse too so landing is going to prove interesting. Getting a little niggled with the way REX Essentials chops and changes the weather so much, wish it wouldn't do that.
I'm very tempted by the realair Lancair. I have their spitfire which is an awesome plane but I'm trying to not spend money too.......headset is a priority I think.
Now I need to purchase that headset (that was on my Christmas list too so had to wait to see what I got) and then I can look into joining you chaps at times for a flight. I know some of the lingo as I was a member of Deer Valley Flying club for several years, still am I think, if my login still works. I just struggle to keep up with what the traffic controllers are saying, they speak so fast.
Currently I'm enjoying a VFR flight in Canada though I can see sweet F A at the moment. It is getting worse too so landing is going to prove interesting. Getting a little niggled with the way REX Essentials chops and changes the weather so much, wish it wouldn't do that.
I'm very tempted by the realair Lancair. I have their spitfire which is an awesome plane but I'm trying to not spend money too.......headset is a priority I think.