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Totally agree... take the plane out of FSX as majestic have done and you do away with OOM errors or at least it does on mine. Currently flying to El Alto in the Dash 8 and I have 2.3gb of VAS free if I do the same flight in PMDG 737 It'll be less than 1gb
I think I'm quite lucky that I've never had an OOM error ever. I do occasionally get a CTD but I am pretty sure that has something to do with REX loading weather into the sim. That can be annoying but I haven't figured out how to resolve that one. It is very random and doesn't happen that often to hard to pinpoint the issue.
Easyjet at Edinburgh





A Few from P3D V2.3. Still installing bits and bobs and playing around with settings but here are a selection from a couple of short flights in the A2A C172R and testing. (Unedited but resized and JPEG'd). Love the cloud shadows!









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bit random but I watched that 'worst place to be a pilot' the other night and thought about having a go myself.

Turns out all the airfields exist in FSX however the terrain height and inclination just isnt right, say the airfield is at a 30deg slope FSX will just model it as being flat around it :(

anyway to fix this?
bit random but I watched that 'worst place to be a pilot' the other night and thought about having a go myself.

Turns out all the airfields exist in FSX however the terrain height and inclination just isnt right, say the airfield is at a 30deg slope FSX will just model it as being flat around it :(

anyway to fix this?

Boycey, that is exactly what I was on about in my last few posts. I have since purchased the ORBX Papua scenery which adds these small strips in along the trail (I forget its name) and has them angled up the sides of hills etc.

Link to the ORBX site

After watching the show (brilliant by the way) I can't help wondering why Helicopter pads we're not chosen over "landing strips" Surely they would be easier to build and safer to land at (apart from the potential of being eaten by the locals) I guess Helicopter pilots are harder to find.
Probably the horrendous cost per hour to fly and maintain the helicopters along with weight restrictions at altitude and temperature etc......

Susie is a real 'Budget' airline......
As I hit send on that I realised It was a bit of dumb question really....although having seen some of the strips I think I'd rather pay the extra and know I'm going to land :)
Sorry, no screenshots yet chaps but I had a quick fly around the new Papua scenery last night trying to get the caravan into some of them with only 25% fuel. I managed to get into a few but with the tree line so close to the edge of the runway and the fact they point uphill it is very hard to manoeuvre on the ground without causing a crash. The throttle response in the caravan isn't great either which doesn't help.
I spoke too soon about OOM errors it seems. In the PMDG T7 flying from Gatwick to Edinburgh I seem to get an OOM in about the same place over the UK each time. I've no idea what is causing it. I've tried without Rex being active and it still happens so maybe it is the ORBX scenery.

Currently in the T7 flying from WSSS to AYPY and so far so good. I have ORBX global here and REX active too. The only thing I can think that is different in the UK is that I have the ORBX UK scenery too so maybe I should turn off the hybrid function when just flying in the UK and select UK scenery only. I'll try that another day.
Me again. Whilst bimbling along in the T7 trying to figure out various things like re-programming the FMC and activating the new FPL I wondered how to turn on the WX Radar. I couldn't figure it out so took a read and it turns out I need to have activesky for it to work.

I have REX Essentials installed currently. If I were to get activesky am I right in thinking that I can use REX to choose my cloud textures but instead of running REX to load in the WX I can use Activesky and it'd load the WX but with REX's textures? Is activesky worth the money? is it that much better as a WX engine than REX? Whilst having a WX radar in the T7 would be nice I can still fly without it. I'll just leave the fasten seat belt light on the whole flight :D
Yes, for the T7 wx radar, you need ActiveSky.

And yes, you can use REX for textures and use your own weather engine for the weather. REX supports this in the options.

You can have a free trial of ActiveSkyNext.

I installed it; it can, but didn't work with my existing SimConnect 2 x PC setup. Everything else works fine so I didn't persevere changing stuff to get it to work.

Incidentally, Aerosoft are doing a weather radar in their A318/319 that doesn't use ASN.
I spoke too soon about OOM errors it seems. In the PMDG T7 flying from Gatwick to Edinburgh I seem to get an OOM in about the same place over the UK each time. I've no idea what is causing it. I've tried without Rex being active and it still happens so maybe it is the ORBX scenery.

Currently in the T7 flying from WSSS to AYPY and so far so good. I have ORBX global here and REX active too. The only thing I can think that is different in the UK is that I have the ORBX UK scenery too so maybe I should turn off the hybrid function when just flying in the UK and select UK scenery only. I'll try that another day.
Have you got any 3rd party airports installed? I've found that whenever I approach an area with 3rd party airports in it my VAS takes a nose dive
I meant to add that I also use ASN for weather and REX Essentials + OD for the textures. I've also run ASN across a network but the laptop I was running it on I think was used to write the 10 commandments and it kept falling over so I went back to running ASN on my FSX machine. When the laptop was running OK though ASN worked fine.
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